I resigned from the school system before Covid unveiled the discrepancies educators had known for years. I left because the school system didn't care about my wellbeing. I left because my voice and my value to the profession was deemed unimportant. This series of work is titled "Teacher Trauma!" Many do not know of the anxiety educators endure on Sunday nights before heading to school on Monday. Each day many of my fellow colleagues walk into schools emotionally, spiritually, and physically torn. They are wondering how they will make it through the day, to winter break or the end of the school year. Wondering if leaving the profession is there only hope for peace while they teach in pieces.
  • Anxiety: Sunday
    Anxiety: Sunday
    2022,12 x 12 inches, Mixed Media collage on acrylic.
  • Survival Part 1: Monday
    Survival Part 1: Monday
    2022, 12 x 12 inches, Mixed media collage on acrylic
  • Anticipation: Tuesday
    Anticipation: Tuesday
    2022,12 x 12 inches, Mixed Media collage on acrylic.
  • Disillusionment:Wednesday
    2022,12 x 12 inches, Mixed Media collage on acrylic.
  • Survival Part 2: Thursday
    Survival Part 2: Thursday
    2022,12 x 12 inches, Mixed Media collage on acrylic.
  • Released: Friday
    Released: Friday
    2022,12 x 12 inches, Mixed Media collage on acrylic.
  • Rejuvention: Saturday
    Rejuvention: Saturday
    2022, 12 x 18, Mixed media collage on acrylic