About Matthew

Matthew Saindon was born in 1973 in Washington DC. He attended Goddard College where he studied Evolutionary psychology and studio recording and photography. In 2008 Matthew left his career in the brewing industry to focus on raising his two children and creating art. He currently resides in Highlandtown with his family.
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sapien socialis
Part of a multi series project utilizing found objects instead of traditional photography lenses to create images that challenge and redirect the generalized definitions we use to construct our realities.
holi! is part of a multi series project utilizing found objects instead of traditional photography lenses to create images designed to challenge and redirect the generalized definitions we use to construct our realities.
Lost in Translation
Lost in Translation is part of a multi series project utilizing found objects instead of traditional photography lenses to create images designed to challenge and redirect the generalized definitions we use to construct our realities.
disorienting dilemmas
Part of a multi series project utilizing found objects instead of traditional photography lenses to create images that challenge and redirect the generalized definitions we use to construct our realities.
The Visual Memoir Of One Travis Beekmen
Casual observations inspire reflections on self.
He felt it was OK So long as he destroyed Himself
He laid in wait for hours, poised and ready to pounce on his unsuspecting prey
He failed to realize how much pain his vanity would cause him.
He often had trouble making a decision on which way to go
His free will had been supressed in accordance with another mans conscience
His size was dependent on his belief in his ability to win
The moment he arrived, he was searching for a way out
His guilt was eased, by shutting out the blood of the innocent
His truth was broadcast in spite of the fact that no one was listening
When he watched others he imagined a life where he had made different choices
Innocents in Ruin
This series follows the journey of two youths who wander through a wasteland, the result of myopic decisions made by those who came before them.
Disorienting Dilemmas: Aloft
disorienting dilemmas is part of a multi series project utilizing found objects instead of traditional photography lenses to create images that challenge and redirect the generalized definitions we use to construct our realities.