I was invited to participate in a group show, each artist was asked to address an ordinary woman topic, by making a dress, what resulted was extraordinary. The exhibit invited visitors into our closet, filled with many dresses and self-portraits, and encouraged visitors to consider what putting on each dress (walking a mile in her shoes) would be like. My contribution considered how Literacy and language, books and reading are as much a heritage as fine china, or silver, or your grandmother's recipes.
Mother Daughter ModelsFamily is so important, not just because of who they are with us, but because of who we are when they are not, how we carry them with us for the rest of our lives, in what we know, how we act, what we make. My devastatingly beautiful friend (also a very talented performer) Santina Maiolatesi Jachero and her darling daughter Anna.
Post CardThe postcard for this event was created by the curator of the showing Diana Marta(an artist) I am listed among the many powerful artists I had the pleasure of being included with in this project.
Self portrait
Ordinary Woman ExhibitNike's Dress (third piece from the left)