About Juliette

My work explores destruction and renewal, blending atomic mushroom clouds, flowers, skies, the moon, and lichens. I layer explosive forms with delicate details to reflect on nature’s fragility and humanity’s impact, considering cycles of decay and growth on our perfect world.
Nuclear Life
The Nuclear Life paintings explore the duality of destruction and beauty through the imagery of mushroom clouds and flowers.
Black Eyed Susans
Many Moons
My motivation to interact with the moon is no different than anyone else’s – this glowy, ever-present orb floating in our night sky holds us all, conscious and unconscious. Human rituals surround cyclical lunar appearances and I have created my own ritual in hopes of capturing this unearthly light. It’s difficult to secure in a straight photo, so I make my camera dance -- grabbing a squiggle, a cursive letter or two, or a shape. Iridescent lunar ink burns into the velvety black indigo of a memory card. I think it looks like moonlight.
These paintings, in oil and ink and casein on wooden panels, present captured moments of our glowy moon dancing in the night sky and dancing with multiple versions of itself. With paint.