About Jeanne

Jeanne Stafford is a Baltimore City based photographer and early childhood educator. She holds a BFA in Photographic Illustration from the College of Imaging Arts and Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology. She finds inspiration following the light and photographing what beckons.
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Nature Abstracts
My work explores the transformative experience of being in and reconnecting with nature. I watch the magic of light play and reflection. From this connection, I follow the light and what beckons, and inspires wonder. I want to share the beauty of these moments and inspire others to cultivate joy and appreciation of nature and the environment.
“One should not only photograph things for what they are but for what else they are.” – Minor White
“One should not only photograph things for what they are but for what else they are.” – Minor White
Grimes Glenshale layers, Abstract Digital Photograph
Lake ReflectionLake Reflection, Abstract Digital Photograph
Springlake Iceice textures, Abstract Digital Photograph
Lake Reflection 3Lake Reflection 3, Abstract Digital Photograph
Shale Layers 2Shale Layers 2, Abstract Digital Photograph
Lake Rolandice reflections, Abstract Digital Photograph
Glen ReflectionGlen Reflection, Abstract Digital Photograph
Layers 2Layers 2, Abstract Digital Photograph
Ice Detail 3Ice Detail 3, Abstract Digital Photograph
PotomacPotomac, Abstract Digital Photograph
Nature Abstracts
My work explores the transformative experience of being in and reconnecting with nature. I watch the magic of light play and reflection. From this connection, I follow the light and what beckons, and inspires wonder. I want to share the beauty of these moments and inspire others to cultivate joy and appreciation of nature and the environment.
“One should not only photograph things for what they are but for what else they are.” – Minor White
“One should not only photograph things for what they are but for what else they are.” – Minor White
Reasons Why I'm Late
I have daily practice of photographing glimmers - ephemeral, yet powerful, moments of joy and awe - in the everyday, mostly along my walk to work.