About Henry

Graduated with an MFA from MICA. I paint landscapes outside in Maine, France, and the Mid-Atlantic region.
I have done three artist residencies in France and one in China. I received a MD Arts Council visual arts grant in 1992.
My work can be seen at C. Grimaldis Gallery in Baltimore and Harris Gallery in Houston.
I have done three artist residencies in France and one in China. I received a MD Arts Council visual arts grant in 1992.
My work can be seen at C. Grimaldis Gallery in Baltimore and Harris Gallery in Houston.
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Paintings 2018
Recent Work
Revisiting Pipe Creekoil/linen 40x56"
Bishopvilleoil/linen 30x42"
Turner Road Pastureoil/linen 24x36"
Winter Crabappleoil/linen 28x42"
Summer Stormoil/linen 32x42"
Rustic White Houseoil/panel 14x18"
Cumberland Yard 1oil/panel 9x12"
Cumberland Yard 2oil/panel 9x12"
Passing Storm Cloudsoil/panel 11x14"
Rose Garden Archoil/panel 12x9"
New Paintings
Morning Light, Stoningtonoil/linen 28x50"
October Farmoil/linen 30x44"
Distant Herdoil/wood panel 24x48"
Early Autumnoil/line 24x36"
Summer Thunderoil/linen 28x42"
Outside Bishopvilleoil/linen 28x42"
September Skyoil/linen 28x42"
Dark Cloudsoil/linen 28x44"
Bishopville Houseoil/linen 28x42"
Light in Augustoil/linen 26x42
Recent paintings
November Moon, 2016oil/linen 34x52"
Shadows on Gannon Road 2016oil/linen 24x42"
Stormoil/linen 26x42"
Nanticoke Lodge 2016oil/linen 38x46"
Wicomico Shadows 2016oil/linen 32x42"
Pipe Creek Autumn 2016oil/wood 12x18"
Stretching Shadows 2019oil/linen 28x42"
Nanticoke Evening 2019oil/linen 30x42"
Fall Shadows 2016oil/wood 30x40"
Caboose 2016oil/wood 14x11"
Rural Industrial
Oil Paintings
Boxcars and Pulp Mill 201128x48" oil/linen
Rail And Elevator 201128x48" oil/linen
Railroad Car 201130x44" oil/linen
Ballast Cars No. 1 201130x50" oil/linen
New Freedom 201128x48" oil/linen
Ballast Cars No. 2 201126x50" oil/linen
Late Summer Heat 201030x48" oil/linen
Frankford 201032x48" oil/linen
Centerville 201128x44" oil/linen
Spring Grove 201128x46" oil/linen
plein air oil paintings done over the course of the year concentrating on large immobile objects often of steel.
Railroad Car 201511x14" oil/wood
Boxcar 201428x50" oil/linen
Stonington Corner 2013-1424x40" oil/linen
Sawdust 201320x36" oil/linen
Heat Shimmer 201312x18 oil/linen
Selbyville 201324x40" oil/linen
Freight Yard 201328x52' oil/linen
Skeleton Crew 201330x48" oil/linen
Mill Engine 201332x46" oil/linen
Sunday Morning 201424x42" oil/linen
landscape, plein-air painting
Pipe Creek Pasture 201446x62" oil/linen
Sunday Road 201516x12" oil/wood panel
Southwest Harbor 201436x54" oil/linen
Pond 201514x18" oil/linen
Last Leaves 201134x54" oil/linen
March Snow 201530x44" oil/linen
March Sky 201528x42" oil/linen
Late November 201534x50" oil/linen
Mill Farm 201524x48" oil/linen
October Sunday 201528x46" oil/linen
Small Works
Individual studies and preliminary paintings for possible larger plein air versions
Clearing 201612x16" oil/wood panel
Glenville Study 20149x12" oil/wood panel
Dol Morning 201412x11" oil/wood panel
Dinan Back Street 201412x11" oil/wood panel
Dol Shadow 201415x12" oil/wood panel
Freight Yard 201328x52' oil/linen
Rusted Boat Study 201412x18" oil/wood panel
Railroad Winter 201412x16" oil/wood panel
oil studies
oil studies, preliminary sketches for larger works
Boxcar Study 201112x20" oil/linen
Frankford Study10x12" oil/wood panel
Railroad Car Study 201111x16" oil/linen
Locomotive 201212x20" oil/linen
Grain Elevator 20119x12" oil/wood panel
Ballast Car Study 201112x20" oil/linen
Selbyville, Delaware 201010x15" oil/linen
Rail Car Study 20119x12" oil/wood panel
Blue Green House 200914x18" oil/linen
New Freedom Study 201010x15" oil/linen
rural, industrial and small town alleys
Street Study 2, 201210x11" oil/wood panel
Street Study 1, 201215x12" oil/wood panel
Tank Car 2012Tank Car oil/linen
Interlocking Tower Study12x20" oil/linen
Miniac Fishing Boat 201226x48" oil/linen
Downeast Railroad 201228x44" oil/linen
Sidetrack 201228x46" oil/linen
Boxcar and Mill 201228x48" oil/linen
Locomotive West York 201228x48" oil/linen
Boxcar 201513x17" oil/wood panel