Work samples

  • We Are Nature - mural
    We Are Nature - mural

    "We Are Nature" is a mural created on a two story row home in Baltimore’s Broadway East Neighborhood. Dirk completed the mural in late 2024.

    “We Are Nature” is a call to remember that we live in tandem with the life around us. The rhythms of our bodies come from the rhythms of nature.

About Dirk

“I make Art to record dreams and experiences.
I make Art to create dreams and experiences.”
- Dirk Joseph

Baltimore based artist Dirk Joseph depicts the sacred and natural worlds through his multidisciplinary artworks. He is a muralist, puppeteer, painter, sculptor, film maker, and community arts facilitator.

Over the last decade Dirk has developed a sculpting technique using wood and recycled paper fiber to create low relief wall sculptures. In 2016 he founded… more

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We Are Nature - mural project

"We Are Nature" is a mural created on a two story row home in Baltimore’s Broadway East Neighborhood. Dirk completed the mural in late 2024.

“We Are Nature” is a call to remember that we live in tandem with the life around us. The rhythms of our bodies come from the rhythms of nature.