Work samples

  • The River Bends
    The River Bends
    Yellowstone National Park, 16 x 20 inches on stretched canvas, original oil capturing the peacefulness of the moment in an extraordinary place.
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    11 x 14 inch oil on canvas board, Lewes, Delaware lighthouse
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    8 x 10 inch on canvas board, reference photo by Shari Gaines, meandering stream with lush vegatation.
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    9 x 12 inch on canvas board, oil, Marshland in Fenwich Island, Delaware

About CJ

Howard County
I love our natural environment.  My love of nature started at an early age encouraged by my father.  As a child I spent countless hours outdoors.  I stopped home for meals, but most days could be found in the woods or doing crafts such as making ink out of flower petals or creating clay animals.  I lived for the freedom of summertime. 

As I got older I relished spending time hiking, biking, camping and visiting new and exciting places.   I noticed early on how being  in nature was… more
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I try to capture in my  landscapes the awe in every-day scenes that we see and often pass by without seeing.  It's the angle of the light hitting the trees that captivates me, the color of the stones  in a stream, the myriad shapes and textures. 

  • Landscape

    Sunflower Sea, 16 x 20 inches, oil, stretched canvas, reference by David Callahan

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  • Landscape

    Colorado Springtime, 6 x 6 inches, oil on stretched canvas reference by Janice Barnes Richardson.

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  • Landscape

    South West 1, 8 x 10 inch, oil, canvas board, reference photo by Ray Nosbaum

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  • Gorman's Farm
    Gorman's Farm
    Gorman's Farm: Easily one of the most beautiful organic farms in Howard County. I created this stretched canvas oil painting after a visit there to pick strawberries. -- 8" X 10" oil painting on stretched canvas
  • Light Comes Between
    Light Comes Between

    Landscape of Zion National Park; a late afternoon sun casting shadows between the rock formations -- 11" X 14" oil painting on stretched canvas

    Available for Purchase

Water Ways

Water, with the life which flourishes around it,  poses a particular challenge in painting.  These  paintings reflect some of these extraordinary environments in different seasons.

  • Water Ways
    Water Ways

    This painting is taken in Scottland, reference by David Deamer.  It is 11 x 14 inches, oil, canvas board.

    Available for Purchase
  • Water Ways
    Water Ways

    Beautiful lake at eye level, Lily Pond, oil, stretched canvas, 16 x 20 inch, refernce photo taken from a kayak by Deneena Hughes.

  • Water ways
    Water ways

    Evening Stillness, lovely marsh landscape in South Carolina, oil on stretched canvas, reference photo by Heidi Benet Magyar --16" X 20" impressionistic oil painting on canvas board

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  • Solitude

    This painting is a composite oil painting of serveral images brought together, impressionistic in its style. -- 9" X 12" oil painting on canvas board

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  • Around the Bend
    Around the Bend
    Rich blues in the waterway at Blackwater Wildlife Refuge. -- 11" X 14" oil painting on stretched canvas


I have always been an animal lover. I paint oils of animals I have had the privedge to know and those who have granted their permission to capture by photographs.

  • Animals

    Mr Bibbs, 11 x 14 inches, oil, canvas board, reference photo by Olivia Michell

    Available for Purchase
  • Animal

    This is our beautiful Patches, part border collie and part lab.  He had the intelligence of the border collie but the disposition of the lab.  Painted on stretched canvas, oil, 11 x 14 inches.

  • Animal

    Beautiful king fisher, 8 x 10 inches, oil, canvas board, reference by Pat Hall

  • Animals

    Beautiful Mia was a commission painting for a dear friend, 8 x 10 inches, oil, canvas board

  • Alison's Bunny
    Alison's Bunny
    Painted with her permission, "Alison's Bunny" is derived from a photo taken by Alison Epsom. The image is an attempt create a blurred photo quality while capturing the innocence of this beautiful bunny. -- 8" X 10" oil painting on canvas board


I have always been drawn to marshes with their  diverse plant and aquatic species.  These paintings are derived from the  east coasts and shores of Maryland.

  • Marsh

     Lovely day last winter 2023 at Bethany Beach, DE.  This painting is an oil on stretched canvas, 16 x 20 inches.

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  • Georgia Marshland
    Georgia Marshland
    Georgia marshland, muted grasses in shades of olives greens, yellows, and red variations, -- 8" X 10" oil painting on stretched canvas
  • Fertile Marshland
    Fertile Marshland
    Impressionistic style oil painting of marshland outside the "Hobbit Restuarant" in Ocean City, MD. -- 8" X 10" oil painting on stretched canvas
  • Hidden Treasure
    Hidden Treasure

    Lovely marsh at the Kent Narrows bridge on the Eastern Shore of Md. -- 8" X 10" brush and knife oil painting on canvas board

    Available for Purchase
  • The Womb
    The Womb

    A lake in New Hampshire which looks so filled with life. A truly wonderful representation of Mother Earth at her finest. -- 8" X 10" oil painting on stretched canvas

    Available for Purchase