Work samples
“When Death finds you, may it find you ALIVE!”, 4ftx4ft acrylic/ fabric painting
This piece is about coming to terms with my mortality. At first, the painting was supposed to capture the one thing I fear most, DEATH. I think the scariest part about our untimely departure is the unknown. And it wasn’t your usual fear of being sent to heaven or hell, but whether we were just thrown into pitch-black darkness that plagued my mind. However, while painting, It has greatly eased that fear into the admiration of the beauty of living life, growing old & wise heading towards eternal slumber. There is beauty in Death, just as much as there's beauty in life.
Available for PurchasePrice $2,588.88 contact via email
"Hold on tight & cry till you can't no more" 2ftx 4ft acrylic painting,2024
This piece represents healing My inner child, and teenager as an adult. When I was younger, I felt like I didn’t have a support system, I felt helpless in my pain. As I got older, I started to help nurture my inner child and teen. Through therapy, retail sometimes, venting, chatting & drinking with friends I hold close and hold myself tight while I scream out till I’m a horse and out of tears. Reaffirming that my feelings and traumas are valid, but they do not make me. This is not to say that I have truly found the key to fixing anything, I just learned how to manage it better.
Available for PurchasePrice $1,299.99 , contact via email
“The Let Down” Acrylic painting,2024
This one is simply in the title. Everyone’s always telling you to lean on others for help. And then you do after all the promises, After all the “ I would never do that”. It’s hard for me to trust in people when I’ve been let down so many times. Frankly, I’m tired of it, and it’s just pushing me to be more hyper-independent. I’m tired of being the strong, black woman, Who wants for nothing and can get it all herself, who’s low maintenance because she asks for the bare minimum. When she wants the whole world. Is that selfish of me?
Available for Purchase$1122.22 contact via email
Picking up the Pieces
“Picking up the pieces” Acrylic painting,2024. Whenever something greatly traumatic happens or when I decide to trust in others & end up disappointed. I feel like I’m falling apart, physically & mentally. But regardless of how bad the fall is, I will always pick myself back up. So be the gift & curse of the hyper-independent
Available for Purchase$1,122.22. contact via email
About Tatiana

Life is art. Art is my life, and creating my art saved my life. Growing up in South Carolina was not easy or for the faint of heart. I was raised by my great aunt and uncle because my father was in prison, and my mother suffers from mental illness. There are many stigmas about the South, and many of them impacted my development. I am a 26-year-old black queer woman and am engaged to another black queer woman as well. Navigating my sexuality was definitely confusing and isolating. I had no… more
For Those Who See Me: Through The Thicket and All (part 1)
So I have to set some things straight about my projects before you view them. For starters, my name is Tatiana, but my artist name is Bunny Blu333. And I’m from a little town, called St. George far in the country of South Carolina. Living on a dirt road filled with sand. That’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to a desert. The reason why there are so many cactuses is because they have a dual meaning. My aunt, Mama used to grow cactuses & roses. She grew other plants, but I’d like to think that those were her favorite plants. So the cactuses in the desert-like area pay Homage to my home.
The yellow has a deeper meaning because I’m a sucker for symbolism and putting tiny details in My works for you to decipher. Although the colors seemingly bring some joy, they also resemble clarity, Cowardice, and many other things as well. I chose to use this color because it has multiple meanings of being truthful or being dishonest. All my life, I have been somewhat dishonest with the people in my life, whether it be for the benefit of my own or them. But is it truly cowardice to want to hide and protect oneself !?
As for why I don’t paint clothes on myself in most of the Pieces, is because it’s too restricting. Whether in real life or on the canvas, it’s more freeing. I feel empowered, taking back the shame that was placed on my body when I was younger. Embracing my beautiful, black body, stretch marks, and all. I invite you to view the work with an open mind open heart, and make sure you look twice cause you might’ve missed something.
“2l0v3” acrylic painting, 2023
This painting captures an eternal moment of love, entwined in a sweet embrace. Each brushstroke is a love letter,celebrating everything I cherish about her, from the strands of her hair to the unique spots on her skin.
“The Biblical Burnout” acrylic painting, 2024
This is the literal personification of what it feels like to be burnt out. Working two jobs, being involved with the organization, trying to be a professional artist at the same time all while trying to survive! It’s infuriating, frustrated and if it left out like I had no time to just exist. I was always exhausted, barely sleeping & eating. I felt like I was burning up on the inside. There was nothing I could do about it. Until I burnt up into ashes or I break the cycle. I put myself in.
Available for Purchase$555
“Controlled Rage”, Mixed media painting 2023
As humans, we inevitably experience anger, whether it is justified or not. Personally, I often feel constrained in expressing my justified anger because I am a woman, black at that. Society seems to dictate that I have no right to be upset and that I should always strive to be the bigger person. This expectation is overwhelming. As a result, I find myself internalizing my anger, Sometimes breaking things, unable to express it outwardly. The necessity to control my rage is important , because if I don’t I’ll end up in jail!
Available for Purchase$899.99
“(Good?) 1solation” Acrylic painting, 2024
Sometimes I need to relax and chill out Especially after I get so unreasonably angry. Sometimes I wish I could just snap my fingers and get away for a little bit just to get my head straight. smoking used to calm me down, but now I have to find ways to manage.
Available for Purchase$333.33
“Isolation(bad?)” acrylic painting 2024
I experience periods of profound loneliness, sometimes feeling isolated even when surrounded by friends and family. Isolation can be a double-edged sword—both a treasure and a curse. On
one hand, it allows me to focus and be productive. On the other hand, it leaves me in an empty home, yearning for companionship. I often find myself not wanting to talk to anyone, laugh, watch movies, or simply share my space with someone else. Forming friendships is challenging, especially with the emotional barriers I have erected. Loneliness has become a constant companion, to the point where I have personified it.
Available for Purchase$526
“Mask On” mixed media on canvas, 2024
this is the conception of bunny, The mask I put on in public, The cute Bubble personified rabbit. She is mean I’m her. But I use her to help me get through to social event, She has the confidence that Tatiana doesn’t. She is cunning, And cold when she needs to be. She is the untouchable gods that people make her out to be. But the real me is just some dork, who stumbles on her words and her own. Forgetful, but not on purpose, A true ditz
Available for Purchase$678
“My Eternal Shadow”acrylic painting,2021
This piece is about my sweet boy shadow, who’s been with me through my ups and downs. The tears, the meltdowns and the happy moments as well. He has always been there to comfort me and he will always have a spot in my heart. I truly love him & he loves me
“Growth” acrylic painting, 2023
Growth is about growing by any means necessary. This painting is actually based off of
something I saw in real life. I was visiting a graveyard one day and I noticed something peculiar
in the moonlight, a tree. Not just any tree though, a ginormous lushes tree covered in foliage
and underneath it all was a tombstone. It was such a beautiful site, like they were growing
together. I thought to myself,
“ I want to be strong and beautiful, but also protected as too.”
Available for Purchase$333.33
“Vulnerable” Acrylic painting, 2022
In regards to the first painting, this is what happens when I let people in. When at my most vulnerable people get to see the real me. The good, the bad, the ugly… after being used and abused, I’m tossed to the side. I regret opening up to others and my love and kindness is not reciprocated.
Heartbreak feels like death sometimes, the pain is so deep I almost think about ending it all just to not feel or think anymore.
Available for Purchase$555
I’ve been through so much in my life that at some point, I put walls up to protect my heart. The thorny cactuses represent the bars on my chest. And to get inside, I’ll either have to let you in or you're going to have to get your hands bloody.
Available for Purchase“Guarded” acrylic painting, 2022 Price $555
Email if interested; [email protected]
For Those Who See Me: Through The Thicket and All (Part 2)
So I have to set some things straight about my projects before you view them. My name is Tatiana, but my artist name is Bunny Blu333. And I’m from a little town, called St. George far in the country of South Carolina. Living on a dirt road filled with sand. That’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to a desert. The reason why there are so many cactuses is because they have a dual meaning. My aunt, Mama used to grow cactuses & roses. She grew other plants, but I’d like to think that those were her favorite plants. So the cactuses in the desert-like area pay Homage to my home.
The yellow has a deeper meaning because I’m a sucker for symbolism and putting tiny details in My works for you to decipher. Although the colors seemingly bring some joy, they also resemble clarity, Cowardice, and many other things. I chose to use this color because it has multiple meanings of being truthful or being dishonest. All my life, I have been somewhat dishonest with the people in my life, whether it be for the benefit of my own or them. But is it truly cowardice to want to hide and protect oneself !?
As for why I don’t paint clothes on myself in most of the Pieces, is because it’s too restricting. Whether in real life or on the canvas, it’s more freeing. I feel empowered, taking back the shame that was placed on my body when I was younger. Embracing my beautiful, black body, stretch marks, and all. I invite you to view the work with an open mind open heart, and make sure you look twice cause you might’ve missed something.
“Hold on tight & cry till you can’t no more” Acrylic painting,2024
This piece represents healing My inner child, and teenager as an adult. When I was younger, I felt like I didn’t have the support system, I felt helpless in my own pain. As I got older, I started to help nurture my inner child and teen. Through therapy, retail sometimes, venting,chatting & drinking with friends I hold close. holding myself tight while I scream out till I’m horse and out of tears. Reaffirming that my feelings are valid, that my traumas are valid, but they do not make me. This is not to say that I have truly found the key to fixing anything, I just learned how to manage it a lot better.
Available for Purchase$1,299.99
“The Let Down”Acrylic painting,2024
This one is simply in the title. Everyone’s always telling you to lean on others for help. And then you do after all the promises, After all the “ I would never do that”. It’s really hard for me to trust in people when I’ve been let down so many times. Frankly, I’m tired of it, and it’s just it pushes me to be more hyper independent. I’m tired of being the strong, black woman, Who wants for nothing and can get it all herself, who’s low maintenance because she ask for the bare minimum. When really she wants the whole world. Is that selfish of me?
Available for Purchase$1122.22
“Picking up the pieces”Acrylic painting,2024
Whenever something greatly traumatic happens or when I decide to trust in others & end up disappointed. I feel like I’m falling apart, physically & mentally. But regardless of how badly the fall is, I will always pick myself back up. So be the gift & curse of the hyper independent
Available for Purchase$1122.22
“That sinking feeling you know too well”, acrylic painting, 2024
You all know that feeling too well, when your thoughts are high, and your mind starts racing and so does your heart a little too fast for your comfort. When I start to feel overly anxious, I start to catastrophize the situation. And instead of it, becoming rational becomes irrational, sometimes my heart feels like it’s sinking in the bottom of my belly, and I can’t do anything to stop it until I find a solution to it. However, when I’m like this, there is no solution. I’m frozen and hopelessness And alone with my frenzy thoughts,
Available for Purchase$1000
“The calming breath” acrylic painting, 2024
However, through years of therapy, you start to gain certain techniques to help you calm your body and your mind. I realize the power is in the simplicity of breathing.
Available for Purchase$1000
”The drowning” acrylic painting, 2024
The drowning is the little personification of being drowned out by out all the burdens of life, Big or small. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with bills, home life, Social relationships and romance. and when I become overwhelmed, it’s hard to make a move, I become stagnant because I’m too scared to add more pressure to myself.
Available for Purchase1111.11
“When Death finds you, may it find you ALIVE!”, 4ftx4ft acrylic/ fabric painting, 2024,
This piece is about coming to terms with my mortality. At first the painting was supposed to capture the thing I fear most, DEATH. I think the scariest part about our untimely departure is the unknown. And it wasn’t your usual fear of being sent to heaven or hell, but whether we were just thrown into pitch black darkness that plagued my mind. However while painting, It has greatly eased that fear into the admiration of the beauty of living life, growing old & wise heading towards eternal slumber. There is beauty in Death, just as much as there is beauty in life.
Available for Purchase2,588.88