About Edmond

Edmond Praybe is a Baltimore area based painter and educator. He received his BFA from Maryland Institute, College of Art and MFA from the New York Studio School. His work has been shown widely at venues including Manifest Gallery in Cincinnati, OH, Stephen F. Austin State University in TX, The University of Mary Washington in VA, Prince Street and Bowery Galleries in New York City and The Mitchell Gallery at St. John’s College in Annapolis, MD. Notable art critics Jed… more
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Small Histories
Small Histories is an ongoing body of oil paintings and works on paper. The objects depicted in these works have been collected over many years, not only for their visual qualities, but for their relationship to specific events, places and people. Old clothing, dishes, vases, hemlock cones, birds nests, fabric scraps and stones, all contain small stories and memories. I image these stories mingling across time and space, converging in vignettes arranged in the studio. Certain elements reappear from painting to painting, like characters weaving in and out of separate, but overlapping narratives. Figures appear occasionally, but often they are only hinted at by domestic objects ; a cup and saucer, a meticulously placed collared shirt, heirloom bowls, seashells from a favorite family trip and various bric-a-brac, all carefully staged. The stories these stagings tell are opaque, opening to individual interpretations of symbols and visual cues; the folds of a christening dress repeat in a sea of white china and shells or bits of bone and dried flowers weaving into the pattern on cut fabric. Room has been left for exploration of the visual and material qualities of the paintings without the expectations of explicit narrative.
Ritualoil on linen on panel 60"x 48"
Once Around the Sunoil on canvas on panel 36"x 36"
Still Life with Glovesoil on canvas on panel 48"x 36"
Actaeonoil on linen on panel 24"x 48"
Orange Teapotoil on canvas on panel 30"x 24"
Lamentationoil on linen on panel 17"x 19.5"
Still Life with Red Glassoil on canvas on panel 20"x 20"
Silent Soundsoil on linen on panel 24"x 39"
Polish Pottery and Patternsoil on canvas on panel 20"x 20"
Peachoil on linen on panel 14"x 14"
Small Histories II
Additional work from the project described above.
Nestlingoil on canvas on panel 36"x 36"
Findingsoil on linen on panel 24"x 24"
Excavating the Presentoil on linen on panel 48"x 60"
Hand Mirroroil on panel 24"x 24"
Heirloomsoil on panel 36"x 48"
What Was Left Behindoil on linen on panel 24"x 30"
Dreamingoil on panel 24"x 24"
Patterns and Foldsoil on panel 36"x 36"
Small Histories III
Additional work from the project described above.
Rememberingoil on linen on panel 24"x 24"
Dark Objectivesoil on linen on panel 30"x 40'
Make Me Downoil on linen on panel 36"x 36"
Still Life with Green Clothoil on panel 24"x 30"
Here and Goneoil on panel 14"x 18"
Schismoil on canvas on panel 14"x 14"
Sea Green Creameroil on linen on panel 18"x 24"
Graspoil on linen on panel 20"x 24"
Blue Jar and Brickoil on panel 16"x 20"
Fragmentsoil on panel 20"x 20"
Small Histories (Works on Paper)
Works on paper from 'Small Histories'. Most are stand alone works, however a few are studies for oil paintings.
Arrangementwatercolor, graphite and gouache on watercolor paper 15"x 22"
Still Life with Beehivewatercolor, graphite, colored pencil, conte and gouache on watercolor paper 22"x 30"
Fig, Sweetgum and Colored Pencilgraphite, watercolor, gouache and conte on watercolor paper 10"x 14"
Still Life with Fossilgraphite, charcoal and watercolor on watercolor paper 15"x 22"
Coral, Skull and Beehivegraphite on several sheets of joined paper 15"x 18"
Late Rose and Forkgraphite and watercolor on watercolor paper 8"x 8"
Mango and Sweetgum in Polish Pottery Muggraphite on paper 10"x 14"
Clippingsmixed media on watercolor paper 15"x 22"