Work samples
About Jim

While earning his electrical engineering degree from Purdue University, JIM OPASIK worked as an assistant chef. The culinary experience has contributed to the inspiration and use of materials in his current work.
JIM OPASIK's fascination with the animal world is reflected in the content and form of his art. He is rewarded by the smiles, laughter and appreciation from the viewers when they recognize the repurposed kitchen objects that went into creation of the sculptures.
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Before beginning the construction of the sculpture, JIM OPASIK researches each animal. His interest in the animal world is reflected in the form and content of his art.
Repurposed kitchen utensils are the domestic objects he uses to create his series of whimsical figurative sculpture. The assortment of implements used in every household for preparing meals is transformed so the viewer can experience them in a different way. Food for the eye, one might say. Opasik collects used kitchen and metallic objects from flea markets, thrift stores, sidewalk sales and donations from friends. Welding and riveting the repurposed utensils and metals are the primary means of joining the artwork.
Repurposed kitchen utensils are the domestic objects he uses to create his series of whimsical figurative sculpture. The assortment of implements used in every household for preparing meals is transformed so the viewer can experience them in a different way. Food for the eye, one might say. Opasik collects used kitchen and metallic objects from flea markets, thrift stores, sidewalk sales and donations from friends. Welding and riveting the repurposed utensils and metals are the primary means of joining the artwork.
CLAWEDCLAWED repurposed kitchen utensils, golf club shafts, stake platters, copper wire
RARE, PLEASERARE, PLEASE Repurposed kitchen utensils, cheese graters, pans, spoons, juicer parts, serving platters H-45" W-34" D-15"
PIGHEADEDPIGHEADED Repurposed kitchen utensils, teakettle, flower pot, cocktail shaker tip, sugar bowls, melon scoopers, candy dishes, brass, silver platter H-18" W-13" D-9"
GIRAFFEGIRAFE repurposed kitchen utensils, steel, wire, forks, drawer pulls, candy dishes, grinder filters, gravy boats, platters, glass doorknobs, lids, kettle parts, copper sheets H-70" W-24" D-27"
PAN-A-PHANTPAN-A-PHANT repurposed kitchen utensils,pans, roasting pan, serving platters, alcohol lamp parts,pastry bags H-36" W-33" D-22"
SILVERSrILVER repurposed kitchen utensils, silverware, martini shaker, spoons, forks, ice cream scooper parts, candy dishes, metal strips H-18" W-15" D-8"
SHEEPISHSHEEPISH repurposed kitchen utensils,metals, candy dishes, strainers, forks H-17" W-16" D-12"
WOKING SLOWWOKING SLOW repurposed kitchen utensils, metals, woks, spoons, cutlery, copper H-15" W-45" D-24"
INNOCUOUSINNOCUOUS repurposed kitchen utensils, metals, steamer parts, candy dishes, steel wire H-22" W-23" D-24"
RAMBO-LITERAMBO-LITE repurposed kitchen utensils, metals, copper, brass, beer keg, bowling ball, strainers, soap dish, gravy boat, candy dishes, spoons H-52" W-72" D-36"
JIM OPASIK's Insects are sculptures based on imaginary and realistic bugs. He researches each insect before he begins construction.
Repurposed kitchen utensils are the domestic objects he uses to create his series of whimsical figurative sculpture. The assortment of implements used in every household for preparing meals is transformed so the viewer can experience them in a different way. Food for the eye, one might say. Opasik collects used kitchen and metallic objects from flea markets, thrift stores, sidewalk sales and donations from friends. Welding and riveting the repurposed utensils and metals are the primary means of joining the artwork.
Repurposed kitchen utensils are the domestic objects he uses to create his series of whimsical figurative sculpture. The assortment of implements used in every household for preparing meals is transformed so the viewer can experience them in a different way. Food for the eye, one might say. Opasik collects used kitchen and metallic objects from flea markets, thrift stores, sidewalk sales and donations from friends. Welding and riveting the repurposed utensils and metals are the primary means of joining the artwork.
Ant-TicRepurposed kitchen utensils, metals, cream pitcher, bowls, funnel, golf club shafts, fondue forks, scoopers H-10" W-21" D-26
Boogey BugRepurposed kitchen utensils, metals, chafing dish, sugar bowl, funnel, musical instrument parts, brass lamp parts, scalloped candy dishes H-10" W-21" D-16"
Dyno-MiteRepurposed kitchen utensils, metals, chafing dish parts, brass, sugar bowl, brass lamp parts H-10" W-23" D-17"
House FliesRepurposed kitchen utensils, metals, martini shakers, steel platters, fondue fork, golf club shafts, sugar bowls H-25" W-45" D-10"
MantisRepurposed kitchen utensil, metals, gravy boats, ice cream scoops, fork and knife handles,candy dishes, silver wire H-27" W-13" D-19"
Ant-TRepurposed kitchen utensils, metals, brass lamp parts, flower pot, brass dishes, candy dishes, telephone bells, andiron and trumpet parts H-16" W-43" D-29"
ItcherRepurposed kitchen utensils, metals, silver teapot and handles, silver creamer, fork tongs, plastic, H-8" W-15" D-9"
ElusiveWine glass stem, bud vase parts, buttons, copper wire with patina, shrink tubing, driftwood H-18" W-24" D-7"
Nat EaterRepurposed kitchen utensils, metals, copper teakettle, chafing dish parts, bellows, candy dishes, wood, copper wire H-7" W-14" D-9"
IntruderRepurposed kitchen utensils, keys, silver teapot, handles and spouts, glass beads, silver bowl H-9" W-22" W-12"
Insects II
JIM OPASIK's Insect series is based on imaginary or realistic bugs.
Repurposed kitchen utensils are the domestic objects he uses to create his series of whimsical figurative sculpture. The assortment of implements used in every household for preparing meals is transformed so the viewer can experience them in a different way. Food for the eye, one might say. Opasik collects used kitchen and metallic objects from flea markets, thrift stores, sidewalk sales and donations from friends. Welding and riveting the repurposed utensils and metals are the primary means of joining the artwork.
Repurposed kitchen utensils are the domestic objects he uses to create his series of whimsical figurative sculpture. The assortment of implements used in every household for preparing meals is transformed so the viewer can experience them in a different way. Food for the eye, one might say. Opasik collects used kitchen and metallic objects from flea markets, thrift stores, sidewalk sales and donations from friends. Welding and riveting the repurposed utensils and metals are the primary means of joining the artwork.
Mother BugRepurposed kitchen utensils and metals: silver teapot, fondue forks, glass beads, golf club shafts H-21" W-13" D-15" Sold by Paper/Rock/Scissors, Baltimore, MD
CarverRepurposed kitchen utensils and metals: knives, sugar bowl, fondue pot and forks, lamp parts, glass beads H-18" W-20" D-26"
Nano-MiteRepurposed kitchen utensils: brass bowl, silver bowl handles, creamer, lamp parts, glass beads H-5" W-11" D-8" Sold by El Prado Galleries, Sedona, AZ
TarantulaRepurposed kitchen utensils and metals: teapots, forks, soap dish, butter dish, golf club shafts, brass finials, glass beads H-11" W-16" D-27"
Wolf SpiderRepurposed kitchen utensils and metals: bowls, forks, bicycle bells, golf club shafts, glass beads H-33" W-26" D-17" Commissioned by Dr. Alan Goldberg, Baltimore, MD
ScorpionRepurposed kitchen utensils and metals: forks, golf club shafts, candy dishes, spoons, whisks, potato peelers H-27" W-24" D-28"
OdenataRepurposed kitchen utensils and metals: coffee pot, strainers, can opener parts, spout, frying pans, kitchen table legs, lids, copper mugs, aluminum rod, painted steel base H-72" W-86" D-60"
Odenata (detail)See full image
Blood ShotRepurposed kitchen utensils and metals: silver pitcher, silver handles, glass beads, fondue forks, silver platter parts, metal vase part H-9" W-10" D-19" Sold by El Prado Galleries, Sedona, AZ
Web CrawlerRepurposed kitchen utensils and metals: silver teapot, sugar bowl, cocktail shaker, can opener parts, ski pole rods, chrome steel base H-51" W-53" D-50" Sold by Michael Levy Gallery, Long Beach, CA
JIM OPASIK's Head Series is based on imaginary subjects.
Repurposed kitchen utensils are the domestic objects he uses to create his series of whimsical figurative sculpture. The assortment of implements used in every household for preparing meals is transformed so the viewer can experience them in a different way. Food for the eye, one might say. Occasionally electronics and mirrors are incorporated into the art. Opasik collects used kitchen and metallic objects from flea markets, thrift stores, sidewalk sales and donations from friends. Welding and riveting the repurposed utensils and metals are the primary means of joining the artwork.
JIM OPASIK's Head Series is based on imaginary subjects.
Repurposed kitchen utensils are the domestic objects he uses to create his series of whimsical figurative sculpture. The assortment of implements used in every household for preparing meals is transformed so the viewer can experience them in a different way. Food for the eye, one might say. Occasionally electronics and mirrors are incorporated into the art. Opasik collects used kitchen and metallic objects from flea markets, thrift stores, sidewalk sales and donations from friends. Welding and riveting the repurposed utensils and metals are the primary means of joining the artwork.
WokmanRepurposed kitchen utensils and metals: wok, lid, spoon handles, cheese cutters, beaters, can opener parts, fiber optics, electronics H-!6" W-15" D- 7"
Court JesterRepurposed kitchen utensils and metals: silver teapot, spoons, glass beads, chafing dish handle H-10" W-8" D-10"
Queen and PrincessRepurposed kitchen utensils: silver teapot, creamer, spoons, chafing dish parts H-11" W-20" D- 7"
Art DuckoRepurposed kitchen utensils and metal: pitcher, pot lid, salt/pepper shaker lids, cooper H-12" W-8" D-8"
DuchessRepurposed kitchen utensils: silver cream pitcher, spoons, glass beads H-5" W-3" D-5"
Royal FamilyRepurposed ktichen utensils and metals: chafing dishes, lids, pastry and jello molds, cake decorating tips, grinder auger H-36" W-33" D-10"
DiplomatsRepurposed kitchen utensils and metals: coffee pots, bowls, steel wool, candle snuffer tip H-14" W-16" D-6"
Kaleidoscope EyesRepurposed kitchen utensils and metals: bun warmer, ladles, spoons, grater, kaleidoscopes, electronic sound H-11" W-10" D-8"
Sadman (Self Portrait)Repurposed kitchen utensils: wok, forks, stove parts, ladle, can openers, refraction lens, holographs, electronics H-15" W-15" D-8"
InfuriatorRepurposed kitchen utensils and metals: teakettles, metal cups, grinder parts, mirrors, weed whacker tips H-15" W-13" D-8"
Heads II
JIM OPASIK'S Head series is based on imaginary subjects.
Repurposed kitchen utensils are the domestic objects he uses to create his series of whimsical figurative sculpture. The assortment of implements used in every household for preparing meals is transformed so the viewer can experience them in a different way. Food for the eye, one might say. Occasionally electronics and mirrors are incorporated into the art. Opasik collects used kitchen and metallic objects from flea markets, thrift stores, sidewalk sales and donations from friends. Welding and riveting the repurposed utensils and metals are the primary means of joining the artwork.
Repurposed kitchen utensils are the domestic objects he uses to create his series of whimsical figurative sculpture. The assortment of implements used in every household for preparing meals is transformed so the viewer can experience them in a different way. Food for the eye, one might say. Occasionally electronics and mirrors are incorporated into the art. Opasik collects used kitchen and metallic objects from flea markets, thrift stores, sidewalk sales and donations from friends. Welding and riveting the repurposed utensils and metals are the primary means of joining the artwork.
The BratRepurposed kicthen utensils and metals: lids, brass bowl, copper pot, wine goblet parts, spatulas H-21" W-14" D-6"
Tea TotalerRepurposed kitchen utensils: cooper teakettle, steamer, bottle opener parts, salt/pepper lids, grinder parts H-9" W-9" D-8"
SportscasterRepurposed kitchen utensils: syrup lids, strainer, spoons, bowl, chafing dish leg H-10" W-7" D-6"
KhanRepurposed kitchen utensils: teakettle, collander, copper salt/pepper shaker parts, masher, brass vase parts, mold H-17" W-12" D-11"
Peking DuckRepurposed kitchen utensils: coffee pot, metal basket, knives, spoons, salt/pepper lids H-12" W-10" D-10"
Kernal MixerRepurposed kitchen utensils: popcorn maker lid, mixers, pan, handle, strainers, mirrors H-21" W-15" D-9"
Speak No Evil, Hear No EvilRepurposed kitchen utensils: stainless steel teakettle, forks, spoons, can opener parts, masher H-11" W-10" D-8"
Lighten UpRepurposed kitchen utensils: roasting pan, forks, cheese cutter, cocktail strainers, bottle openers H-17" W-11" D-7"
InvaderRepurposed kitchen utensils: meat grinder parts, burned bowl, spoons, salt/pepper shaker lids, mold, ice bucket parts H-!3" W-17" D-12"
Swing KingRepurposed kitchen utensils and metals: bowls spoons, trumpet H-21" W-23" D-24"
"Reflector" is both a wall and freestanding sculpture commissioned for a private collector.
"Birth of the Blues" is a wall sculpture commisioned by a collector who wanted his discarded piano
keyboard to be used. The man is a blues affianado and wanted that to be conveyed.
"Symphony" is a wall sculpture commissioned by a friend of the collector of "Birth of the Blues".
"Long Ride" is a freestanding commission requested by a couple who are motorcycle enthusiasts.
"Birth of the Blues" is a wall sculpture commisioned by a collector who wanted his discarded piano
keyboard to be used. The man is a blues affianado and wanted that to be conveyed.
"Symphony" is a wall sculpture commissioned by a friend of the collector of "Birth of the Blues".
"Long Ride" is a freestanding commission requested by a couple who are motorcycle enthusiasts.
ReflectorSugar Bowls, Soup Ladles, Liquor Pour Spouts, Wine Cup, Ski Pole, Spoons, Bead Chain, Copper Fill Tank Tubes, & Rock H- 34" W- 43" D-22"
Reflector Head (Top View)Sugar Bowls, Soup Ladles, Liquor Pour Spouts, Wine Cup, Ski Pole, Spoons, Bead Chain, Copper Fill Tank Tubes, & Rock H-34" W-43" D-22"
Birth Of BluesKeyboard, Trumpet, Sunglasses, Pencil, Steel Wire, Wood, & Music Notes H-26" W-26" D-10
SymphonyRepurposed Violin and bow, Piano keyboard, Flute, 78rpm vinyl record. Size: H - 21" W - 20" D - 9"
Long Ride"Long Ride" is a commission piece of two people on a motorcycle, however it is not a motorcycle! The work is constructed of various repurposed parts as sausage grinder, cheese grater, chain, bicycle parts, wire, lawnmower wheels, skeletal parts, photos in rearview mirror, springs. Size: H - 4 1/2' W - 6 1/4' D - 2 1/2'