Work samples
Locker RoomLocker Room (2020) Basketshop Gallery in Cincinnati, OH A shower has been deconstructed and cluttered with objects. Tile walls, copper pipes and bathroom plumbing implements are transformed from their original function to stand in for skin, organs, limbs or strange, exposed genitals, emphasizing vulnerability, tension, and the fluidity of identity.
Lost EarringLost Earring (2017) explores how our cultural touchstones shift over time while considering the evolution of his own queer sexuality and transgender body. Found materials and cast plaster sculptures of familiar plumbing implements revolve around a projection of an isolated clip from the 1996 movie Bound by the film-making duo the Wachowski siblings. As two disembodied hands endlessly tighten and untighten the hidden plumbing of a bathroom sink, this charged and repeated gesture questions the role of function and aspiration in relation to the queered body. Through the use of light, objects, and moving imagery, Lost Earring re-imagines the commonplace setting of a bathroom in a queer and trans context -- where bodies and minds are often flooded with emotions from terror to desire. Installation view- Blue LED light bulbs, looped projection, found bathroom stall, cast plaster objects, found ceramic soap dishs, glass vials, ink, cottonseed oil, testosterone 2017
About Elliot

Elliot Doughtie works in drawing, sculpture, and installation, with a desire to form intimate relationships between common objects and the awkwardness of having a body. He has been in many exhibitions including venues such as: L’OEil du Poisson (Quebec City, Quebec), Nasher Sculpture Center (Dallas, TX), LangerOverDickie (Chicago, IL), Museum of Contemporary Art Arlington (Arlington, VA), and School 33 (Baltimore,MD) among others. Doughtie has a… more
Sock Packer series/ Laundry Day Dubuffet
Socks, especially the two red stripe athletic sock, are a common image I have used in my
sculptures since 2020. They signify the presense of a body as well as performed masculinity/
gender presentation. They are also just funny little objects with a cheeky shape to them that
resemble other things. The Laundry Day Dubuffet series started as sketches for the direct cast
plaster sculptures. When casting each sock one out of every three would break and instead of
throwing them out as lost I started assembling them together in a playful stiff vertical pile of
laundry. My practice is primarily sculputral, but when I am unable to get to the studio I draw in
reltation to the project I am working on.
Locker Room
Locker RoomLocker Room (2020) Basketshop Gallery in Cincinnati, OH A shower has been deconstructed and cluttered with objects. Tile walls, copper pipes and bathroom plumbing implements are transformed from their original function to stand in for skin, organs, limbs or strange, exposed genitals, emphasizing vulnerability, tension, and the fluidity of identity.
Locker Room
Locker Room
Locker Room
Locker Room
Locker Room
Locker Room
Locker Room
Locker Room
Locker Room
Langer Over Dickie
The gallery was in a typical Chicago neighborhood home. The objects interacted with the setting going in and out of the walls of the living room area as well as in the bedroom.
Lost Earring
Project Space, School 33 Art Center, Baltimore, MD
Lost EarringLost Earring (2017) explores how our cultural touchstones shift over time while considering the evolution of his own queer sexuality and transgender body. Found materials and cast plaster sculptures of familiar plumbing implements revolve around a projection of an isolated clip from the 1996 movie Bound by the film-making duo the Wachowski siblings. As two disembodied hands endlessly tighten and untighten the hidden plumbing of a bathroom sink, this charged and repeated gesture questions the role of function and aspiration in relation to the queered body. Through the use of light, objects, and moving imagery, Lost Earring re-imagines the commonplace setting of a bathroom in a queer and trans context -- where bodies and minds are often flooded with emotions from terror to desire. Installation view- Blue LED light bulbs, looped projection, found bathroom stall, cast plaster objects, found ceramic soap dishs, glass vials, ink, cottonseed oil, testosterone 2017
Lost EarringInstallation view- Blue LED light bulbs, looped projection, found bathroom stall, cast plaster objects, found ceramic soap dishs, glass vials, ink, cottonseed oil, testosterone 2017
Lost EarringInstallation detail- Blue LED light bulbs, Found bathroom stall, cast plaster objects, glass vials, cottonseed oil, testosterone 2017
Lost EarringDetail of Installation Lost Earring, plaster cast sculpture of typical American public bathroom plumbing fixture, found ceramic soap dish
Original Plumbing and The Alchemical Body
Re:ArtShow, Brooklyn, NY
Original Plumbing and The Alchemical BodyIkea table, Unique cast plaster objects, copper couplings, latex tubing, ink, plastic pipe, paper clay 2017
Original Plumbing and The Alchemical BodyIkea table, Unique cast plaster objects, copper couplings, latex tubing, ink, plastic pipe, paper clay 2017
Original Plumbing and The Alchemical BodyIkea table, Unique cast plaster objects, copper couplings, latex tubing, ink, plastic pipe, paper clay 2017
Original Plumbing and The Alchemical BodyOriginal Plumbing and the Alchemical Body (2017) Situated in an old Pfizer drug compounding plant in Brooklyn, NY, Original Plumbing and The Alchemical Body takes on what it means to undergo medical steps to physically alter one's body. Here Doughtie explores what is a transgender object and how can it function in a space with a history that has led to his own medical transition. Installation view Ikea table, Unique cast plaster objects, copper couplings, latex tubing, ink, plastic pipe, paper clay 2017
Original Plumbing and The Alchemical Body
Original Plumbing and The Alchemical Body
Original Plumbing and The Alchemical BodyCast plaster faucets 2017
Original Plumbing and The Alchemical BodyCopper coupling, plaster 2017
Original Plumbing and The Alchemical BodyCopper couplings, glass vials, plastic tube, ink 2017
Original Plumbing and The Alchemical BodyGlass vials, plastic tube, ink, epoxy, copper fixtures 2017