Work samples

  • Sphinx Vase III
    Sphinx Vase III

    40" x 30"_ Oil on Linen

    Available for Purchase
  • Red Fruiting, The Fall of Adam and Eve
    Red Fruiting, The Fall of Adam and Eve

    Red Fruiting, The Fall of Adam and Eve_ 24" x 24"_ Oil on Linen

    Available for Purchase
  • Crawler II
    Crawler II

    Crawler II_ 12" x 9"_ Oil on Linen

    Available for Purchase
  • Lover's Pool
    Lover's Pool

    "Lover's Pool"_ 40" x 30"_ Oil on Linen

    Available for Purchase

About Julia

Julia Gould (b. 1999) is an American artist living and working in Baltimore Maryland. Julia holds a Bachelor of Fine Art degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art, where she majored in Painting, and minored in Printmaking (2022).

Her work delves into the simultaneous feelings of intimacy and separation, which inhabit intrapersonal relationships and our relationship to the natural world. Influences include classical mythologies and philosophies, where questions about our “… more

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Dry Land

This body of work explores metaphors within a feverish terrain, where firelight and desiccation confront images of sultry abundance. The natural world curls, expands, and pulls apart from itself forming stages for symbolic acts. People, and other animals, hover and move through the brittle landscapes, exploring the various fractures and joinery between subjects and their ambitions. Passages of reality border fantasy, presented through light, color, composition, and allegory. 

The work is concerned with when things break: when fantasies of the natural world are viewed through a gluttonous lens. Lighting cites the real state of the climate, and compositions asks the viewer's relationship to the subject. The paintings ask questions through the balance between what is presented to us, and the skotia which demands consideration of what is hidden. Pulling from art history, the work alludes to the fruit and tree of Eden, Platonic metaphors, Venus’ shell, and Narcissus’s reflection pool. While rooted in classical narratives, archetypes fall apart as personal mythology narrates the complexities of desire.  


  • Red Fruiting, The Fall of Adam and Eve
    Red Fruiting, The Fall of Adam and Eve

    Red Fruiting, The Fall of Adam and Eve_ 24" x 24"_ Oil on Linen

    Available for Purchase
  • Sphinx Vase III
    Sphinx Vase III

    Sphinx Vase III_ Oil Paint on Linen_40" x 30"

    Available for Purchase
  • Dry Land
    Dry Land

    Dry land_ Oil Paint on Canvas_ 16" x 20" 

    Available for Purchase
  • Lover's Pool
    Lover's Pool

    Lover's Pool_ Oil Paint on Canvas_ 40" x 30"

    Available for Purchase
  • Creekside Lovers II
    Creekside Lovers II

    Creekside Lovers II_ Oil on primed paper_ Triptych_ 70" x 62"

    Available for Purchase
  • Daughter on Dry Land
    Daughter on Dry Land

    Daughter on Dry Land_ Oil Paint on Canvas_ 40" x 30" 

    Available for Purchase
  • The Wanting Tree
    The Wanting Tree

    The Wanting Tree_ Oil paint on Linen_ 60" x 60" 

    Available for Purchase
  • Crawler II
    Crawler II

    Crawler II_ 12" x 9"_ Oil Paint on Linen

  • Meet Me in Our Tree
    Meet Me in Our Tree

    Meet Me in Our Tree_ Oil on Linen_ Triptych_ 48" x 120"

    Available for Purchase
  • Bitten

    Bitten_ Oil Paint on Linen_ 11" x 14" 

    Available for Purchase

Red Forest

  • Under the Rose Briar
    Under the Rose Briar

    Under the Rose Briar_ Oil Paint on Linen_ 60" x 48"

    Available for Purchase
  • Watcher

    Watcher_ 16" x 20"_ Oil Paint on Canvas

    Available for Purchase
  • Branch Climber II
    Branch Climber II

    Branch Climber II_ Oil Paint on Linen_ 20" x 16"

  • Branch Climber I
    Branch Climber I

    Branch Climber I_ Oil Paint on Linen_ 20" x 16"

    Available for Purchase
  • Tender

    Tender_ Oil Paint on Linen_ 20" x 16"

    Available for Purchase
  • Posted

    Posted _ 12" x 12"_ Oil paint on Linen

  • Bleeding Hearts
    Bleeding Hearts

    Bleeding Hearts_ diptych: two 60" x 36" canvases_ Oil paint on Canvas

    Available for Purchase
  • Meet Me in Our Tree
    Meet Me in Our Tree

    Meet Me in Our Tree_ Oil on Linen_ Triptych_ 48" x 120"

    Available for Purchase
  • Serval Vase
    Serval Vase

    Serval Vase_ Oil Paint on Linen_ 24" x 18" 

    Available for Purchase
  • Kiss

    Kiss_ Oil Paint on Linen_ 12" x 36"

    Available for Purchase


This body of work explores the symmetry between bodies, and how they hold within them representations of
love, duality, and mythology. Through various drawing and printmaking techniques, diptychs, triptychs, and reflected compositions explore relationships and draw similes. The work investigates the simultaneous intimacy and distance between individuals, and questions heterogeneity.  




  • Creekside Lovers
    Creekside Lovers

    Creekside Lovers_ Ink wash on paper_ 7' x 10'

    Available for Purchase
  • Nocturnal Pollinators
    Nocturnal Pollinators

    "Nocturnal Pollinators"_ Editioned Stone Lithograph Collage_ 12" x 12"

    Available for Purchase
  • Bathers Study
    Bathers Study

    Bathers Study_ Sketchbook spread_11" x 8.5" book_Ink 

  • Eve: Serpent
    Eve: Serpent

    Eve: Serpent_ Monotype on paper_ 14" x 11" 

    Available for Purchase
  • Apple

    Apple_ Sketchbook Page_ Ink_ 11" x 8.5"

  • Her Dane III
    Her Dane III

    Her Dane III_ Editioned Stone Lithograph on Paper_ 14" x 11" 

    Available for Purchase