Work samples

  • Attention Costco Shoppers
    Attention Costco Shoppers

    oil and acrylic on canvas, 36x48" 2023

    Available for Purchase

About Julia

Julia Purinton spent her childhood in the Mid-Atlantic region, graduated from Harvard College with a degree in Fine Arts, pursued a course of study at the School for Visual Arts in New York City and now divides her time between Baltimore, MD and the Mad River Valley in Vermont.

Known primarily for traditionally romantic and luminous landscapes, focused on the emotional response of humans to the sublime in nature, Purinton has begun an exploration of more abstracted compositions… more

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A series of abstract paintings derived from images of refuse accumulated at the edges of rivers and streams, along shorelines and over storm drains. This series explores the concept of Nature as Artist; throwing back our waste in new compositions in which the original utility of the item has been completely effaced, while it now exists as a component of an abstracted landscape.

  • Attention Costco Shoppers
    Attention Costco Shoppers

    36 x 48" oil and acrylic on canvas, 2023

Romantic Landscape

A series of self-consciously old-fashioned landscapes emphasizing the crucial importance of Nature as a palliative to contemporary social malaise.

  • Longer Days
    Longer Days

    40x40" oil on canvas, 2022