About Jack
I graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1977 with a BFA. My primary interests were photography and printmaking which gave me a strong background in composition and use of space. I am largely self-taught as a painter which allows me to constantly experiment with new techniques. I have been represented by several galleries over the years and participated in numerous benefit and juried exhibitions.
Paintings of people can be either a formal portrait or using people in the background to set a mood and tell a story. I like to tell only the first chapter and let the viewer's imagination create the rest.
The thrill of painting is finding a great subject! It could be a mile from home or halfway around the world, but it stops you dead in your tracks. I work from photographs to capture the moment, then take hours in my studio to create the image I want.
Trees, stones, baskets, and chairs are some of the many objects I have painted over the years. They don't belong to a special time or place. They stand alone and free to wander in your imagination.