Work samples
Iconic Woman
2018 - An extreme technical challenge brings this water drop to life by using flash in a darkened room. The timing between the release of the water drop and the flash exposure had to be calculated within 1/10,000th of a second. The final result is reminiscent of a human figure with body and head. This is done with just one drop of water. The process gets even more complicated with two (or more)! (see macro images below)
Baltimore Fireworks
2022 - Shot from the grounds of the Baltimore Museum of Industry. I setup two hours early when I saw the fireworks barge behind the tugboat. As nightfall set in, other people recognized my vantage point and began to crowd my space. It was a struggle to keep my tripod steady with other photographers trying to take over my spot. This photo reveals the industrial, nautical, and festive spirit of Baltimore's Inner Harbor.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter directly for purchase options. - [email protected]
Morning Stroll of Horses on Assateague
2023 - While photographing on Assateague Island, I encountered a group of horses strolling down the beach. They seemed to be as curious about me as I was of them. After a few minutes, I felt as though we were developing a rapport. As I repositioned myself, I was surprised as one decided to take a rest. It has not been often in many years of photography that an opportunity like this has presented itself!
After taking this photograph, my new found friends followed me down the beach for about a half-hour allowing me many more photos. This was truly an experience I will never forget.Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
The Human Invasion
2022 - This is shot from the Hampstead area of Carroll County. My first attempts failed by not providing the depth perspective I desired of the driveway pulling the eye to the distant barn. I finally resorted to use my drone from about 40 feet in the air. This made the driveway long enough to welcome the viewer into the scene. I feel as though I am an alien invader being welcomed into this most quiet and secluded space.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for Purchase Options - [email protected]
About John

Photography is the focus of my life. My humble beginnings were in college working for the school newspaper. I worked with my trusted and most beloved Pentax K-1000 to complete assignments and tell stories with my photos. I was mostly interested in the latest gadgets and the features of various cameras systems. After 30 more years of (semi) professional photography, I learned much about the medium and technique. After retiring from that in 2011, landscape and nature photography have been my… more
Creative Macro Work and "Intimate Landscapes"
This section contains a variety of macro images and "Intimate Landscapes" (in the spirit of Eliot Porter) that explore a variety of creative approaches.
Mexican Hat Dancer - HER
2018 - Taken about the same time as the "Iconic Woman" in the "Work Sample", this is a very technically challenging capture of TWO water drops. A second water drop was precisely timed to collide with the ascending water column (called a "Worthington Jet") from the first drop. The timings had to be calculated to within 1/10,000th of a second. It required about 400 exposures to get this one (and the next one...). The result reminded me of a dancer I once saw with a Mexican Hat.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Mexican Hat Dancer - HIM
2018 - I felt a need to compliment the feminine version of the Mexican Hat Dancer with a male version. This was one of the 400 images shot in complete darkness with a flash that provides the equivalent of (approximately) 1/20,000th of a second shutter speed. Like the others, the timing of the TWO water drops had to be calculated to within 1/10,000th of a second.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Phoenix Rising
2020 - This artistic rendering evokes a sense of the nascent Phoenix rising out of the ashes to reign in life once again. This has won several awards and is part of several private collections. It starts as a flower but transforms into a majestic bird taking flight.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ( johncarterphoto at
Fish Under Gunpowder River Falls
2021 - Shot with a Nikon AW-1 underwater camera, this photograph was a lucky capture of the underwater world of the Gunpowder River in Baltimore County. An artistic rendering enhances the mystery of life we never see under the river's surface.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options (johncarterphoto at
The Embrace
2023 - A Calla Lilly embodies the spirit of purity and portrays the embrace of love.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options. ( johncarterphoto at )
Rope on a Spindle
2024 - While photographing a farm slated for demolition in Harford County, Maryland, I stumbled upon this scene that conveyed a strong sense of neglect and desolation. A missing board on the side of this barn illuminates what has been hidden for years. I often use "painterly effects" for what I call "embellishing the quintessential".
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options. (johncarterphoto at
The Vane Frog
2021 - While photographing a small pond, this little fella popped up to check me out. (S)he then struck this pose for me as if to say, "look how pretty I am". I was very fortunate to get this shot with a 400 mm lens, being far enough away to not cause her to jump away. I was honored that this photo was included in the 2024 Chesapeake Bay Foundation calendar and has been purchased for several private collections.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options. ( johncarterphoto at )
Seashell on the Beach
2018 – A mindful approach to photography sometimes requires walking at slow pace and careful observation. I happened on this scene on Assateague Island as the tide was rolling out. I decided on keeping the white line of the distant surf to maintain the context of the location.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
A collection of "Farmscapes" in Maryland. I was searching for a new home in Carroll County, Maryland when the pandemic broke out. As I drove around the countryside I felt a nostalgic pull from my past of growing up on a horse farm. I felt as though I was being reaquainted with a part of me that had been forgotten for a very long time. These farms tell a story of a more rugged and solitary way of living than most of us know.
What is also not known is the vunerability of these farms are and how many have succumbed to the bulldozer for rapid development. The aging stewards of these lands are hard-pressed to keep up with the costs and the younger generations have less interest in the hard work required for farm life.
Gorsuch Hay Bales
2024 - These round hay bales adorn a field in Carroll County, Maryland. The "dots" pull the viewer into the expanse of the long field. Just by slowing down with a "mindful" approach I was able to capture the ephemeral beauty of this farm life. Most people are too caught up in their day and just drive by scenes like this without ever taking notice. The photograph provides the opportunity to appreciate a scene that many intellectually know is beautiful but never capture it in their heart.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Gablehammer Farm
2023 - I drove past this Carroll County farm hundreds of times knowing that it was going to be one of my favorite pictures. I finally stopped when the light was right and then used a slight painterly effect to elevate the story of solemnity and pastoral peacefulness. This conveys to me a dreamy sense of the "good life" with quiet and solitude.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options. ( johncarterphoto at )
Beggs Road Barn and Silo
2023 - It took me many return trips to this location to find the angle and light that conveys the transient sense of "wabi-sabi" in this barn and silo. This is a powerful depiction of the strength and stamina of the barn (and the farmers) that refuse to succumb to age.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ( johncarterphoto at )
Finksburg Farm
2022 - I often just drive through the countryside to relax and look for potential pictures. I take photos with my cell phone so I have the GPS coordinates and come back often to research the light and various angles. Using a mindful approach, I studied this scene for many hours over several weeks. This mindful technique allows me to NOT TAKE a photo but allows the photograph to be revealed to me and then shared with me to share with others. I know it in my gut when the “stars align” and the correct composition is laid out before me.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options (johncarterphoto at )
Jenkins Farm - Worthington Valley
2020 – I was drawn to this scene by the graphic nature of the fence and tree. I knew immediately that this was going to be rendered as a Black and White since it was about “form” and color did nothing to enhance that form. I used a painterly effect to enhance the “mythical” story of this pastoral scene. This photograph illuminates the gentrified nature of Worthington Valley where a fence contains nothing.
Available for PurchaseContact john carter for purchase options ( johncarterphoto at )
Worthington Valley Hay Bales
2008 - This was a very lucky capture in Worthington Valley. I duck taped a stepladder to the top of my SUV to get the perspective needed to accentuate the lines of the hay bales. I came back the next day to try a different angle and they bales had already been collected. Moral of the story: be prepared (travel with a step-ladder ;-) and get your shot as soon as possible. Never say you can do tomorrow what can be done today. Do not hesitate or the scene may be gone forever.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options. (johncarterphoto at
Hydes Farm
2011 - This idyllic scene is near where I grew up in Hydes, Maryland. It displays the minimalistic grandeur of a simpler way of life. This plain farmhouse has since been replaced by a large mansion with outbuildings and a large pool. Like many properties in Hydes, Glenarm, and Baldwin, it seems like wealth and gentrification have taken over and the rural and agricultural tradition has been left behind.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ( johncarterphoto at )
The Stare Down
2020 - As I approached the fence of this cow pasture, Mom and Dad took up positions to protect their calf. They were giving me the evil stare down and just daring me to take another step forward. After a few moments, we all relaxed and became curious about one another. They let me take this shot before turning their backs and strolling back over the hill.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Mount Felix Farm
2024 – Three cows munch on hay in Havre de Grace, Maryland. I was fortunate to get this picture as the farm is slated for demolition to make room for a new development near the Bulle Rock Golf Course. This land is rich in history that will be forever lost to the bulldozer. I will be submitting a series of photos to the Harford County Historical Society.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Silos of OZ
2020 – This is the Lippy Brothers Grain Complex in Carroll County, Maryland. It was taken with a 600mm lens from a quarter mile away so as to compress the distance between the various silos. It is reminiscent of the infamous city in the “Wizard of OZ”.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
This is a collection of images mostly taken on Assateague Island on Marylands' Eastern Shore. I love to show the many "faces" of the ocean and the many different temperaments it displays. The ocean can be a place of serene calm, or it can turn violent at a moments notice. Its' mysterious allure contributes to many myths and legends from Neptune with his Trident to more modern pirates and sea monsters.
This collection of images is just a small sampling of "SeaScape" images I have been working on for many years.
Wild Horses on an Assateague Night
2020 - Moonlight illuminates wild horses meandering the beach on Assateague Island, Maryland. These horses have free reign over 30 miles of shoreline and live a peaceful life except for the occasional over-exuberant tourist.
This pays tribute to the National Park Service (and Maryland State Parks) for maintaining such a treasured piece of Maryland's historical landscape and a protected home for these wild ponies.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
The Lone Seashell
2024 - This solitary shell on the beach reveals the solitude and quiet nature of Assateague Island at sunrise. A long exposure contrasts the sharp focus of the seashell against the rolling waves in the background. The shell stands as a sentinel against angry sea monsters coming ashore to bite my toes.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Sunrise Meditation on the Ocean
2024 – Sitting on the beach in early morning is a wonderful, meditative way to start the day. Sometimes it is hard to tell where the ocean ends and the skyline begins. I decided on a multiple exposure image with “Intentional Camera Movement” to capture the exquisite morning light and gentle waves. The soothing effect of the ocean permeates my soul and I feel at ONE with the universe.
Ocean Surf
2020 - The curl of a wind blown wave is caught just at the peak of it cresting. This painterly rendition provides a contemplative view of wave action that happens so quickly that it is rarely appreciated.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
47th Street Rocks and Waves
2021 – A different temperament of the ocean shows its’ waves break over rocks at 47th Street in Ocean City, Maryland. This long exposure defines the churning character of the wave action and provides a less-than-inviting welcome to a potential swimmer.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
When Push Comes to Shove
2022 – The calming effect of the ocean is well known and appreciated. I am often bewildered how 3000 miles of powerful water can come ashore in such a gentle push. I feel at ONE with the universe when I can experience the persistent pulse of wave action like the pulse in my heart.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
47th Street Rocks - Ocean City, Maryland
2021 - An entirely different temperament of the ocean is shown here on the rocks at 47th street in Ocean City, Maryland. Moonlight reveals the calm surf as a storm retreats over the Atlantic Ocean. A long exposure and a flashlight add to the drama of the scene.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Atlantic Storm Approaching
2024 - This an artistic rendering of ocean waves coming ashore in Ocean City, Maryland. Taken at night, the multiple, long exposures build up the action of the waves. This is a result of what I call "meditative" photography. Sitting quietly on the beach for an hour or more, I saw this image in my minds eye and was fortunate to capture something close to that! The dark on the horizon was a severe storm approaching that soaked me to the bone before I could retreat to my car.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Maryland Scenics
These are a small sample of scenic images throughout Maryland. They display a range of approaches to my image making while still being typical of my style. These have been exhibited extensively throughout Maryland (and beyond) and are part of many private collections. I have found that Doctors (and Dentists in particular) like my work for the tranquil and soothing effect it has on their patients.
Baltimore Skyline
2024 - This was taken from the 17th floor of the CareFirst Tower in East Baltimore. I shot it with a 600mm lens so as to compress the distance between the various neighborhoods and convey a sense of "unified whole" to the city. Painterly effects were added to enhance the feeling of intrigue and excitement. This has been selected for several private collections and now also hangs in the Executive Boardroom for CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Grasses in the Bog
2024 - This is an infrared image take on the Gunpowder River near Prettyboy Dam. This method was chosen to emphasize the new growth and convey a sense of "aliveness".
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Assateague Fence
2018 - A long shot of a broken-down fence protecting the sand dunes in Assateague Island, Maryland. Ocean City can be seen in the distance. This location was revisited often to get the light as it streaked across dune. I was fortunate to catch this in the middle of winter when the fence was in a state of disrepair.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Utica Covered Bridge - Frederick, Maryland
2024 - While exploring the Monocacy River near Frederick, Maryland, I happened upon this historic covered bridge. I returned several times to explore the light and finally decided upon this composition. I used painterly effects to create a moody image while still maintaining a feeling of "welcome".
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Gorsuch Ice House
2022 – From Hampstead, Carroll County, Maryland. Bad weather is a photographers best friend. The moody-ness of this picture is enhanced by the ominous storm clouds overhead. This image was chosen for the “Leading Lines” and the selective lighting of the scene.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
This is a small collection of animal photographs I have captured through the years.
Heron on the Hunt
2024 - While exploring a waterfall in the McKeldin area of Patapsco Valley Park, I was visited by a hungry Tri-Colored Heron. I was surprised, as these birds are quite solitary and easily scared off. Although only about 20 feet away, this one stood its "ground" and allowed me to photograph. I quickly realized why as it began to pluck small fish out of the cascading waterfalls. I was amazed by the absolute stillness of the bird in contrast to the quick snap of its neck into the water for its catch.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Sand Pipers on the Beach
2019 - Sand Pipers are incredibly difficult animals to photograph. They are constantly on the move and very skiddish around humans. This capture on Assateague Island was very fortunate in that I was able capture a group of five flying together with the surf in the background. I added a painterly effect to have the ocean as an artistic backdrop to the main subject of the birds. Through many years, I have taken Thousands of pictures of the Sand Pipers but never captured a scene like this.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Alligator Teeth
2008 – It is generally accepted that focus should be on the eyes in an animal photograph. Sometimes the exception to this rule is very obvious. The drama of this photo is captured on the menacing nature of the teeth and the alligator looking straight at the viewer.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])
Sand Crab on the March
2024 – You never know who you may be sharing the beach with… While photographing the surf on Assateague Island, this Ghost Crab popped out of the sand to defend his/her turf. I had to quickly roll over to save myself. She then stood there snapping at me until I moved away.
Available for PurchaseContact John Carter for purchase options ([email protected])