Work samples

  • Miracle

    Miracle- A mixture of clay, glitch art, AI, my own two hands, and of course beautiful Baltimore.

    I have this sneaking feeling that no matter how hard we fight, the generative algorithms are going to keep marching forward. As an amateur with nothing to lose, I wanted to try in this collage to embrace AI and maybe put the human back into the eyes of the machine. I figure it’s at least worth a shot.

  • Motorola Jungle
    Motorola Jungle

    Motorola Jungle- Clambering across hands that hold up the horizon, clay men dive headfirst into the thick air of the Motorola Jungle. These days I think we could all use a little less ray tracing. 

    As I’ve been making my art, I’ve come to realize how expressive hands can be. Most of my life I’ve taken for granted how much information and emotion they can convey on their own. I’m thinking about taking up ASL sometime soon.


  • Homunculi

    Hominculi- Homunculi are not goblins. That’s what these guys kept saying anyways. Every time I tried to broach the subject they got agitated, so I decided to just take their word for it.

    Chaos is inherently beautiful. Just look at the stars. Stars are children of chaos, and they look great! You and I are children of stars and we look great too! Most of the time. Well actually I’ve let myself go recently. But I’m sure you look wonderful.

  • Seraphim

About Quinton

I grew up in Hagerstown Maryland, went to school in Williamsburg Virginia for a degree in biology and currently work in Baltimore as an immunology research assistant. For the time being, that’s as far as this story goes. I have no idea what I’m doing, I never have, and that’s what my art is about. Thanks for stopping by!