Work samples

  • Miracle

    Miracle- A mixture of clay, glitch art, a few AI images, my own two hands, and of course beautiful Baltimore.

    Yeah yeah, I used AI for this one but I’ve always said that I’ll try anything once and to be honest I didn’t like how it made me feel (wicked hangover) so I think I’ll just stick to tequila from now on.

  • Motorola Jungle
    Motorola Jungle

    Motorola Jungle- Clambering across hands that hold up the horizon, clay men dive headfirst into the thick air of the Motorola Jungle. These days I think we could all use a little less ray tracing. 

    Oh the joys of growing up at the turn of the millennia! I count my blessings that my nostalgia will forever be entangled with bit-crushed voices and the sunsets over uncanny valley instead of things like “milk cartons” and “winnebagos” (although Lancelot Link does look like it went hard).


  • Homunculi

    Hominculi- Homunculi are not goblins. That’s what these guys kept saying anyways. Every time I tried to broach the subject they got agitated, so I decided to just take their word for it.

    Chaos is inherently beautiful. Just look at the stars. Stars are children of chaos, and they look great! You and I are children of stars and we look great too! Most of the time. Well actually I’ve let myself go recently. But I’m sure you look wonderful.

  • Virtues

    Virtues: Angels which govern nature, elements and motion.


    Hands and feet are a nightmare to make with clay, so I decided to use my own. Honorable mention to my cat pistachio who made it to the picture. She was born missing a couple vertebrae and she is a gift to this world.

About Quinton

I grew up in Hagerstown Maryland, went to school in Williamsburg Virginia for a degree in biology and currently work in Baltimore as an immunology research assistant. For the time being, that’s as far as this story goes. I have no idea what I’m doing, I never have, and that’s what my art is about. Thanks for stopping by!

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Biblically Accurate Angels

In my personal opinion, the most interesting parts of the Bible are the parts that people tend to ignore. Christian theology has spent centuries detailing an angelic hierarchy of distorted eldritch creatures that inhabit the heavenly realms and govern everything from the stars to you and I. I’m not religious, but I’ve always found the angels fascinating (far more interesting than anything you’d find in Greek or Roman mythology). I had a ton of fun exploring the big men upstairs in these images.


“And I saw there an exceptionally great light, and all the fiery armies of the great archangels, and the incorporeal forces and the dominions and the origins and the authorities, the cherubim and the seraphim and the many-eyed thrones…”

- 2 Enoch 20:2



  • Guardian Angels
    Guardian Angels

    Angels: According to theology every man, woman and child has a guardian Angel that stands by them. Maybe it was their gaze you felt all alone at night.

  • Archangels

    Archangels: Those great angels honored with names tasked with leading the armies of god and corresponding with humanity.

  • IMG_9710.jpeg

    Principalities: Principalities are sort of hard to research, but supposedly they govern states/countries/towns/etc. The only recorded principality I could find was the Angel of Portugal. I bet you didn’t even know Portugal had an Angel.

  • Powers

    Powers (authorities): creatures with authority over evil forces as well as kings and governments.

  • Virtues

    Virtues: Spirits which govern motion as well as elements, nature, and natural disasters.

  • Dominions

    Dominions: A class of Angel that governs the movement of stars and planets according to Christian Theology.

  • Ophanim

    Ophanim (thrones):  “I looked, and I saw beside the cherubim four wheels, one beside each of the cherubim; the wheels sparkled like topaz.

    Their entire bodies, including their backs, their hands and their wings, were completely full of eyes, as were their four wheels.”

    -Ezekiel 10:9 + 10:12

  • Cherubim

    Cherubim: “Each had four faces and four wings, and under their wings was what looked like human hands.”

    -Ezekiel 10:21

  • Seraphim

    Seraphim: “Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying.”

    -Isaiah 6:2

Flight of the Homunculus

The homunculi are my distorted children who revel in the beauty of their imperfect world. They don’t have a purpose. They lack clear form. But they seem to enjoy their time in the woods.

  • Ladyfingers

    I’m the kind of guy who will say Herb when I’m talking about a person but will drop the H when I’m talking about plants.

  • Bear Hug
    Bear Hug

    Love each other, love yourself, and love what the world has to offer while you’re here.

  • Analog Synthesis
    Analog Synthesis

    Walking through the woods at night isn’t so bad as long as you have a good flashlight, a big stick, and know how to spot the whirlpools where space-time collapses in on itself before you accidentally step into one. The night I took this picture my flashlight’s batteries were dead but I made do.

  • Summit

    I’m all for a pilgrimage to an ancient peak in search of esoteric knowledge, but on account of this being a work trip I can’t help but think that an escape room would have been better for morale.

  • Dusk

    Oh sorry… did I catch you by surprise?

  • Capture Your Homunculus
    Capture Your Homunculus

    I think we all have some homunculusness inside ourselves. But if you capture it, maybe you can harness it for good.