Work samples
Dance & Bmore Elder Arts (Hybrid)
We never age out of creativity. I believe in the arts for every age and stage of life!
Dance & Bmore Year in Review
DANCE & BMORE is a dynamic Baltimore-based ensemble founded by Broadway veteran CJay Philip. Through their Bmore Broadway Live performance season and community programs, art becomes a powerful tool for connection, expression, and joy, transcending generations and making a lasting impact on the vibrant cultural tapestry of Baltimore.
Voices of Carmen
Ms. Schuler’s High School literature class reads Carmen, a novella by Prosper Merimee, while the music students in Mr. Gary’s class play the opera Carmen by George Bizet across the hall. To bring this text to life, students take turns acting out the storyline. We follow the journey as multiple students portray Don Jose who intends to marry hometown sweetheart Micaela until his plans are interrupted by unexpected chemistry with a local cigarette factory worker named Carmen, also played by multiple students. Their relationship is short-lived amid conflict, jealousy and a lovers triangle. Ms Schuler uses this storyline to connect and relate to the way the characters respond to conflict. Her teaching style does not go over well with Principal Moore.
Available for PurchaseNow in its 6th year this award winning production is AVAILABLE to license and produce at your theater. (Prices range $1000-$1500) Click the link for details and set up a virtual call
Bmore Broadway Live
About CJay

CJay Philip was born a multidisciplinary artist. Even as a child focusing on one thing was not for her and only left CJay unsatisfied, frustrated and crying in her crib. Mom always had to leave multiple toys and options to satisfy her budding desire to experiment and create.
Today, not much has changed. CJay is the artistic director of Dance & Bmore, a contemporary and theatrical dance company fusing movement, live vocals, spoken word, and original songs written by CJay to create… more
Elder Arts Program/ Music and Music for Stress Relief
For 10 years Dance & Bmore has been providing opportunities for aging communities throughout Baltimore to move, laugh, sing, and thrive by being creative and connected. During this time of separation and social distancing we have transitioned our Elder Arts Wellness program to a virtual interactive class for 65 yrs + We also have an archive of Youtube videos on DanceandbmoreTV featuring the Dance & Bmore Elder Ensemble AKA Forever Fit & Fun Club!
I started creating programming specifically for Seniors in 2011. We called our first program the Mid Day Cabaret at the Waxter Center for Senior Citizens on Cathedral. I then became a repeat guest artist for the Village Learning Center Senior Tea. I had a short season of classes at the reopened 29th St community center before beginning our year long series at the J Van Story Branch.
During the April 2015 uprising the first question that came to my mind was how are the Seniors in the community? Who is checking in on them? I spent the spring gathering friends to help me visit senior Centers in West Baltimore doing music and movement for stress relief because they really needed it. Their blood pressure was up, their nerves were on edge and some of the sweetest older ladies you know had taken up cursing again after many year of abstinence.
img_2982.jpgMusic and movement with the amazing Seniors at Penn North Plaza next to the CVS that burned down during the uprising.
Elder Arts and Wellness Programs by Dance & BmoreWhen the pandemic hit and social distancing became the mandate, Dance & Bmore quickly pivoted to continue to share its artistic gifts in many new and creative ways, such as: DAB’s teaching team transformed signature games, sing-alongs, and elder dance jams to a Zoom platform. To launch this project, Dance & Bmore created a how-to join Zoom video [] for seniors and their caregivers that's been shared hundreds of times. What started as a beta test is now a 2nd Saturday staple that dozens of elders look forward to each month. The online Elder Arts project is a creative space for senior citizens to dance, talk, share recipes and stories, laugh, and sing. Each Zoom class includes healthy tips in a "Did You Know" segment featuring research and the latest health news for the aging. There is also an open mic segment where elders share songs, poetry, and memories.
Sunday Best/Feelin' Good Music VideoA highlight and accomplishment for elders in this community is a music video []they created together to the song Sunday Best! The hook is a feel-good, toe-tapping, spirit-lifting groove they all love and share with their grandkids and friends. They are excited to create more videos with moves and grooves to spread love and encouragement to everyone on the web.
Tea PartyVisiting the Senior Tea at the Village Learning Center for a creative movement class to classic Motown. So much fun
Tea PartyVisiting the Senior Tea at the Village Learning Center for a creative movement class to classic Motown. So much fun
Senior Tea PartyPeriodic visits to the Senior Tea at the Village Learning Center for a creative movement class to classic Motown. So much fun, just love them:)
DAB at Waxter Senior CenterI love what Dance & Bmore gets to bring to Baltimore city. The work we do with families and seniors is so enriching. I learn something new every time I teach . They make me a better teacher and a better person. I want to pass a heart for community building onto my dancers. They are all so gifted and hard working
Dance & Bmore Repertoire
Five pieces on video which include choreography, some original music and spoken word by CJay Philip:
1. The Birth; exploring the idea of a second birth. When is your creativity born? How is it nurtured and does it relate to community, conflict and lose.
2. Be More or Less; takes a painfully honest look at body image, personal examination and ownership.
3. Present Tense; a poem someone gave me written by a 14 year old boy...profound wisdom at such a young age intrigued me.
4. We Need You was inspired by a new play premiered at Centerstage and highlights the desire for the father figures or our lives at every stage of our own feminine evolution and/or revolution.
5. The piece 5 Minutes originally done in 2007 was set on Dance & Bmore for their debut concert May 2011
Send MeThe first piece I ever choreographed. For me it speaks of the nature of givers whio give and give and sometimes feel alone and grow tired. Great collaborations and partnerships are everything. They give me life, strength and passion to answer the call.
A New WorldIn The Birth CJay portrays the mother of creative creatures as they discover an intriguing yet sometimes dangerous world.
WOW -women of the worldThis is a photo from the WOW festival hosted by the BSO March 2012 at the Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall. A highlight of this weekend of events was a Saturday night concert directed and choreographed by CJay Philip featuring Mary Chapin Carpenter, Rain Pryor, Dance & Bmore and over a hundred Baltimore artists.
Multiply PersonalitiesThis is a spring 2012 photo of some of the dancers in Dance & Bmore. One of the things I find interesting in the dance world is "typing" which is combining groups of dancers together based on common physical attributes. Typing can go beyond the physical to more abstract common bonds like style and energy. One of my tricks as I auditioned in NYC in my 20s was to keep my eye on the choreographer. Most where older (My current age) and had young spry assistants demonstrating. While everyone watched the assistant to get the counts and steps, I kept my eye on the choreographer (Who was barely moving). When it was time to show the combination I'd almost always get asked to stay and dance some more. I wasn't the strongest, most technically sound or flexible dancer in the room but I'd always get asked to stay. The secret to my success? (Long pause then look to the sides). In the short time we had to learn the movement, I spent most of it studying the movement of the choreographer then I would perform their movement as their younger self and they couldn't quite put their finger on why they thought I was so special...ego. Who doesn't like looking in a mirror and seeing themselves in their prime. Sometimes after I was hired they'd even say, "You remind me of myself back when I was dancing". Interesting how several very different people could see themselves in me, I was quite a chameleon (Shhh). Times are changing but back in the day so many companies had a "type". All the Graham girls looked alike, Cunningham, Limon boys etc. I'm older now but I fall into the same ego trip. I see myself in Every dancer in my company, no really. Now the thing is, since they are all so different, what does that tell you about me.
DAB LogoAfter choosing a company name with obvious double entendre, the not so obvious was what it should looked like. This was a fun few days of day dreaming and writing on napkins or scrap paper. I don't draw well but my graphic designer Brian Branch says he loves the written details I give to help solidify visual concepts (I think he's just being nice). First I got into my leotard and tights, stood against the bedroom wall holding in my stomach as my husband took the picture. Thirty minutes back and forth from pose to camera to see. I had my right leg curved around and crossing my left like an ampersand. Beads of sweat forming on my back, finally a, "Whew child, I think that's the best we gone get" We sit down on the coach and stare at all the shots... suddenly an epiphany! Another scrap paper sketch later and the limits to my flexibility are gone and out comes half dancers half &. I love it! Thanks Brian and Boo
The Voice of a MotherThis post-show performance in the lobby at Centerstage was based on themes within a new work by Marcus Gardley, Dance of The Holy Ghost. It came from my interpretation of the relationships between a father, daughter and grandson.
Present TensePoet -April Kersey Singer -DeMerris Dancer -CJay Philip Present Tense; a poem someone gave me written by a 14 year old boy...profound wisdom at such a young age intrigued me so I put this together.
Be More or LessBe More or Less; takes a painfully honest look at body image, our response and responsibility.
RebirthWhen were you born and when was IT born? Two days so different indeed. The first here on earth, so common yet still miraculous as the first breath, the first cry, the first squint of the eye. The other more obscure in a place near the soul where creativity is born and first starts to grow... Cue music
The ingredientsSinger Dancer percussionist Writer/singer/dancer
Directing Youth in Baltimore
As wirter/director/choreographer of Voices of Carmen CJay was able to bring this original work to the USA in 2019.
VOICES OF CARMEN is a musical adaptation of the opera Carmen set in a High School. The musical brings a contemporary spin to this iconic story that's filled with fresh yet familiar renditions of George Bizet’s compositions, as well as a dozen original songs, from Pop to Hip Hop and R&B, written and arranged by CJay and Winston Philip. This vibrantly staged and choreographed piece examines escalating conflict among young people. This production hopes to serve as a catalyst for community dialogue and improved emotional health and awareness, while providing resources for conflict resolution.
What is Voices of CarmenShort Synopsis Ms. Schuler’s High School literature class reads Carmen, a novella by Prosper Merimee while music students in Mr. Gary’s class play the opera Carmen by George Bizet across the hall. To bring the text to life, students take turns acting out the story. We follow along as multiple students play Don Jose who intends to marry his hometown sweetheart Micaela until his plans are interrupted by unexpected chemistry with Carmen. Their relationship is short-lived amid conflict, jealousy and a lovers triangle. The classroom storytelling takes a surprising turn that propels this lovers' tragedy to a contemporary time and place.
Childrens Theater at Gordon CenterEnjoyed editing this video to give parents a glimpse of what their children experience through theater
Table DABFFDance and Bmore Fortified Fables
Directing at CenterstageDirecting a new piece with the Encounter students keeping with the themes of Marcus Gardley's new play, Dance of the Holy Ghost
STG SafteyPartnering with Fire Department and Police Department on Fire Safetey
HOPE Story Tree GangAddressing social issues through theater for young audiences
DAB TCG Adventures!DAB TCG Adventures are wildly entertaining music, dance, comedy, and play for all ages. Comic storytelling and interactive conversations are the creative tools used to educate youth and family about safety, conflict resolution, health and nutrition. The TCG troupe along with CJay and the FazaFam band sing and dance to original song that highlight character traits like Patience, Gratitude, and Teamwork. You will love these laugh out loud adventures!
Henderson Hopkins - STGOur youngest Story Tree Gang ever!
Teens and Campus Story Tree GangIn the Refrigerator Story the Meats do not get along with the fruits and Vegetables.
Director/Choreographer of HOPE Story Tree GangI was part of the original creative team of The Story Tree Gang which started as a sock puppet show at a HOPE clinic in south Philiy. Over the past 15years the program has grown into troupes of young performers throughout the USA combining music, dance, puppetry and comic story telling to address challenging issues facing todays youth. Conflict resolution, gang violence, healthy eating and literacy are all topics woven delicately together to reach and teach pre school and elementary school children. The Baltimore Story Tree Gang launched in 2010 has performed at two MLK Day events to address nonviolence in partnership with the Majors Office and the John Hopkins Center For Adolescent Health. Recently audiences at the Baltimore Book Festival watched rapping Grandma Dot as she took the grandkids on their first ever trip to the library in 'Read A Book'. The STG distributed nearly hundred free books to young audiences and new fans.
Family Strengthening Program
I'm my mothers child. A social worker and community activist, my mom showed us by example that community matters, being there for one another, helping out with the little things created a sense of family. Our family life was far from perfect. My earliest memories of my father were centered around violence, abuse alcoholism and neglect. Those are memories I can't erase and it took a toll on all my siblings especially my older brother who saw more than I ever did as the youngest.
Parents are people and they make mistakes. I can only imagine the list of things my father wished he'd done better. I met my father 12 years later as a sober man... I was surprise. He was nervous, open and funny man, he was real funny. He had a lady friend who was warm and as nice as could be and he love fishing and told me all about. He took me fishing with him and his buddies a few times. No drinking just fishing and hanging with my dad teaching me how to bait a hook and the best place to throw a line. I love those memories. And I appreciate him reaching out to take the time to create New memories for us. They couldn’t take away my first memories of him but imagine if those first were the only memories I had.
I believe for some families our program is a healing agent, a place to produce memories that are happy, healthy and freeing of guilt, shame and blame. We create a safe space to make fresh new memories and although they sometime lay over top of scars they are still there and once great memories are real, no one can take them away.
FazaFam House Band
Hurricane Sandy ReliefSummer of 2014 the HOPE Camp made Fridays FazaFam Fridays and we loved working with those families
BA picture says it all
Body languageA picture says it all
fazafam-theme---2_22_14-1022-am.mp3We created catchy songs to sing in class that I hoped would stick with the kids and remind them to dance with their parents at Worked! Parents tell us all the time. "They sing the songs all week and we just dance and dance" :-) Here I am singing one of our class favorites.
Family PSAI've been able to write and co direct a series of PSA to encourage family fun time and fitness for Baltimore families.
Our StoryOur family dance class began in Nov 2010 with just a few families. Along with the choreography I created catchy songs that I hoped would stick with the kids and remind them to dance with their parents at Worked! Parents tell us all the time. "They sing the songs all week and we just dance and dance" :-)
Family Jam LogoI began this family dance class in Nov 2010 with just a few families. Along with the choreography, I created catchy songs that I hoped would stick with the kids and remind them to dance with their parents at Worked! Parents tell us all the time. "They sing the songs all week and we just dance and dance" :-)
TBAS an entertainment news series
I went home and told my husband how hopeless these art professionals where about seeing themselves and their efforts aired regularly in a news media formate. I don't even think they saw themselves the way I did at the time but faithlessness was screaming a me and sucking the life out of the room. I walked home that day to clear my head. Artists are some of the most faithful people on the planet, believing in the unseen, having hope in the face of hopeless situation and taking seemingly nothing and turing it into something creative and magical. When we loose our ability to dream beyond what we see in the present, we are loosing the very soil that art grows from.
I decided to dream for all the broken spirits I felt in that room and day dreams turn to sketches on note pads and formats and catch phrases until the right one came out. The Baltimore Arts Scene...yeah that's what it will be. It's not about a show but about an energy and life that already exist and we are just capturing it to show it to people who maybe have never scene it before. I feel like one of those documentary scientist on National Geographic capturing mystical creatures in their natural habitat and sharing their stories and history in hopes they will not become extinct.
Episode 2 Summer FunA Very fun episode with lots to see: Baltimore Hoop Love, The summer Arts Market and Open Walls Baltimore. I typically do the first round of editing but was traveling alot and our computer kept crashing so this took forever to finish. The real editor in the family was as patient as he could be but this one was the closest we've ever come to birthing a baby. It was sooo painful...but later so beautiful, at least to me.
Call LettersTBAS The Baltimore Arts Scene
Art LoversOne of the goals of TBAS is to let art lovers know whats out there to experience and to inspire new audiences to share in the rich bounty of creative choices. This art lover shares her thoughts about the experience.
With Anne FulwilerFormer Artistic Director of Theatre Project gave us her thoughts on hosting dance at Theatre Project and highlights of their upcoming season.
Interviewing KwameLast year we shot a pilot featuring a Dancer Mixer held at Theatre Project. The new Artistic Director of Centerstage gave us his first impression of dance in Baltimore. A wonderful night of performances by seven of Baltimore's outstanding dance companies made quite an impression on Kwame Kwei Armah
Interviewing KwameLast year we shot a pilot featuring a Dancer Mixer held at Theatre Project. The new Artistic Director of Centerstage gave us his first impression of dance in Baltimore. A wonderful night of performances by seven of Baltimore's outstanding dance companies made quite an impression on Kwame Kwei Armah
About our LogoThe Baltimore Arts Scene is a new online entertainment news series which hopes to shine more light on the amazing things growing in Baltimore's diverse creative communities. Our goal is to enlighten and intrigue viewers in a way that stimulates a desire to venture out and experience the Baltimore arts scene for themselves. Cultivating new audiences and growing an appreciation among various creative circles is the dream and theme of our logo.
Introducing TBAS!The intro for a new online entertainment news series highlighting the ever growing and diverse creative arts scene in and around Baltimore. check out and follow us on fb and twitter
Artist Within Project - Senior Company
We are familyMeet Vera, a sometimes sassy but wonderful women with a giving heart. Since being part of the Forever Fit & Fun Club she's moved out of J Van Story but the group make sure she knows when we're coming so she can come back through for some hugs. She also picked back up song writing since she now has a safe creative place to share her voice.
Happy Holiday 2015Since our Artscape performance we now get request for Dance & Bmore and our Senior company to come and perform our original work. This is one such performance at the Maryland Ave Adult Day Care just before the holidays. They love going out together as a troupe now.
Dance and Bmore Forever Fit and Fun ClubOur wonderful group for senior citizens at the J Van Story Branch so full of fun and life.
We at the AFram Ya'llFor our second field trip to Centerstage I choose a play with a leading lady in her 70s. I was curious how they would respond and if they could see themselves in her and imagine them selves on stage. They were all a buzz about it afterward and it opened up a great discussion about what they can do at their age. Shortly after that we were rehearsing for our first ever performance at Artscape 2015! An unforgettable day from the trip just a few blocks down to the performance and the friends, family and neighbors who came out to support them. One of my favorite moments was Ms Catherine flying high after the show yelling "We at the Afram Ya'll We at the Afram!" She meant Artscape which we all knew but we just let her yell in celebration. She was excited and never been to Artscape before even though it's just a block and 1/2 from her building (J Van Story Branch)
Our Field TripWe took a group of 13 seniors to see One Night in Miami at Center Stage. We had 6 volunteers and a nurse...for me! I was so excited and nervous I thought I'd pass out LOL. I made it through and our group loved it. The cast was lovely to sign autographs and take pictures with our group who was having the time of their live. As I did funny post-show interviews with them I was stopped in my tracks to find out it was Mr Philip who was 60 yrs old first play, also Mr Flyod 68 yrs and Ms Essie 80yrs. Wow, the things you take for granted.
Our Year with our SeniorsSo I edit most of my own videos but it takes a while cause I feel so much about the people in them sometimes. I could watch this one over and over and just smile:))
Artist Within Project VideoOur program is in the first 2 minutes but it's worth watching the whole thing to see the Tremendous work being done by so many powerful artists in Baltimore City.
Dance & Bmore Forever Fit & Fun ClubThey have become our family, especially during the holidays.
Dance & Bmore Forever Fit & Fun ClubPeople tell us the lobby use to be so uninviting and rough but now that you come and make music the atmosphere has totally changed. It's a blessing weather you're in the group or just walking by.
Dance & Bmore Forever Fit & Fun ClubOur seniors at the J Van Story Branch Apartments on W 20th st. stretching, singing, sharing memories and making new ones.
Creative Cultural Exchange
Carmen a Bigger Bounce - Zurich Switzerland
Carmen a Bigger BounceZurich written directed, co choreographer by CJay Philip
Carmen a Bigger BounceZurich written directed, co choreographer by CJay Philip
Carmen a Bigger BounceZurich written directed, co choreographer by CJay Philip
Bmore Seoul to Soul 3
Bmore Seoul to Soul 3
My first Korean dance lesson
The Old Lady and The Sea
All The Way Live
The SingleThe title song off the ATWL CD
Three in OneLIVE: 1. (Adjective) Not dead or inanimate; living. Synonyms: alive, living, lively, vivid, active. 2. Relating to a musical performance given in concert 3. Of a broadcast- transmitted at the time of occurrence
When We Were YoungHow does being in love change over time. Is it human nature to hold onto reflections of love in the past, when it was shiny and new.
CD ReleaseContemporary dance company releases a CD May 19th 2013. A 6 song EP written and arranged specifically for their All The Way Live performance. Music and lyrics by CJay Philip produced by Winston Philip
Voices & Choices
We wanted to allow the audience to participate in the piece bringing their own voice to words they chose or poetry pieces they'd read and see the influence their words make on the movement of the dancers or singer. We've also added improvisational singing to create songs, sounds and feelings from words chosen at random out of a small clay jar. It's as exciting for me as the singer as it is for the dancers and the audience because no one truly knows whats we will create together :-}
Spoken Words by CJay PhilipVoices & Choices starts with this spoken word and live vocals to spark thoughts and questions about which voices influence the choices we make.
Voices & ChoicesAre there voices hiding in your mind that never make a sound and why?
Voices & Choices debutExcerpts from the first incarnation of Voices & Choices
May I Have a WordRandom audience members choose words from this jar that become a song or a sound and a motivator of movement if a dancer so chooses.
The Value of What's InsideSmall, smooth, jar of mystery that just a few see inside and even fewer get to choose to draw from it's wisdom.
Voices & Choices Poem...If voices are a spark, choices are the flame between here and there lie a rainbow of colorful mind games. The ice blue of a love gone cold, the amber shimmer of hope in what’s been told, The greens, the golds, the black dark as coal, the dripping red desire that eats at your soul...
Voices & ChoicesCreating concepts and direction for video is incredibly fulfilling. You devise a plan and layout all the while knowing it's gonna be food for the trash because after the shoot is done the stories that lay underneath the footage waiting to come out inevitable almost create themselves. Where you started is rarely what you end up with. It's one of the things I love about directing...the discovery.
Director of Marvin's Trial
Multidisciplinary Aspect- After thinking up the role of Music who's lines where all sung not spoken, CJay and the newly cast singer DeMerris had to come up with a vocal sound track that match the jumps in time period and style throughout the piece. As an added but subtle time indicator CJay designed the workshop costume plot with actors in shades of grey until 1969 but 1970 on all costumes were in color. This was not an easy task as the play was not at all linear but the talented cast rose to the challenge. CJay also wove accents of creative movement throughout.
Talk BacksThe premiere in Baltimore was followed by audience discussions which proved incredibly useful in the growth and direction of the piece.
Marvin's MuseMarvin and Music always together through the years.
Marvin Meets MusicWhen I originally read this script there were 12 characters played by 6 actors. I couldn't help but think someone was missing. I sensed another character and heard her voice throughout the piece and the life of Marvin Gaye. Writer Max Garner easily agreed to my suggestion of adding the role of Music to the cast of characters most influential in Marvin's life. Here we see her share a vision of their future together.
In The BeginningWhen I originally read this script there were 12 characters played by 6 actors. I couldn't help but think someone was missing. I sensed another character and heard her voice throughout the piece and the life of Marvin Gaye. Writer Max Garner easily agreed to my suggestion of adding the role of Music to the cast of characters most influential in Marvin's life. Here we see her introduced to Marvin by his father on the church piano.
Face to Face
The Last Sayif you could say anything, one last time what would it be?
Marvin's Father on TrialThe Twilight Zone- to be on trail for the murder of your own son while thousands of his fans await the veridic just out side.
Rehearsal -the detailsTheatre is work. focused, thoughtful, meaningful, life filling work.
What's Goin OnSo many questions surround the iconic life and tragic death of Marvin Gaye. My goal was not to answer them but to illuminate them in a way that revealed our own icons and paths toward tragic ends. The rest is up to you. This new work was workshopped in Baltimore Dec 2012 and premier at the DC Black Theatre Festival June 2013.