Work samples
Prisms is a multi part sculpture that explores geometric form and vivid color in contrast to the natural world. This traveling sculpture can be installed in a multitude of landscapes, creating different connections and meanings.
For the Art on the Waterfront installation, the sculpture’s triangular forms reference Baltimore’s past and present connection to sailing as a port town. From a distance, the sculpture resembles a fleet of rainbow-hued sailboats, while up close; the viewer can explore and immerse themselves within each form and color.
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Choose Your Own Adventure
Choose your own Adventure transformed Baltimore’s Charles Street Bridge into a colorful playscape of pedestrian pathways and hanging beach balls. The project was commissioned by Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts for the free 2018 Artscape festival. Spray chalk lines marked a site-based map converging under a forest of beach balls hanging from an open air structure. The streetscape-enhancing project was a collaboration between Baltimore-based public artists Becky Borlan and Graham Coreil-Allen.
Tailspin is a permanent suspended sculpture created for Marie Reed Elementary school located in Washington DC. The piece was inspired by the yearly kite festival that is held on the grounds of the Washington Monument, which is visible from the school. Made with an aluminum frame, and 21 CNC engraved acrylic kites, the pieces hangs in a two story atrium below a skylight. The artwork measures 26 feet long, 7 feet wide, and 5 feet tall.
About Becky

Baltimore-based Becky Borlan is a public artist who produces large-scale works that utilize light and color to spark reverence and wonder. Her installations are playful, vibrant, and whimsical. Applying the curiosity of a child to question everything, she dabbles with lots of different materials, she paints with the very expressive parts of color theory, and loops, bobs, weaves together forms to unite them into a concise and clear invitation to explore without judgment.
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Choose Your Own Adventure
Choose your own Adventure transformed Baltimore’s Charles Street Bridge into a colorful playscape during the city’s 2018 Artscape festival. Spray chalk lines marked a site-based map converging under a forest of beach balls hanging from an open-air structure. The streetscape-enhancing project was a collaboration between Baltimore-based public artists Becky Borlan and Graham Coreil-Allen.
Color Cascade
A suspended sculpture that spans two floors, Color Cascade’s palette corresponds with Murch Elementary school’s way-finding color scheme: yellow orange denoting the first floor and blue-green on the second. The circular components of the sculpture take inspiration from the surrounding architecture and light fixtures.
Reverie enlivens the 30ft high stairwell in Maury Elementary School’s library. A six foot diameter armature holds 8 cables graduated in length to match the slope of the stair rail. Acrylic shapes dance in midair and catch the morning sunlight from the curtain windows opposite the sculpture.
New Waves
Quiet and soothing, New Waves celebrates the work of Anne Arundel County’s educators and administrators. Located in the main stairwell of the Board of Education building, the piece is a tangible reminder of the impact of each individual’s efforts. Together, these collective efforts are felt by students all over Anne Arundel County.
Wavelength is a 32 ft long sculpture that presents an abstract interpretation of the nearby Chesapeake Bay. Installed in the main hallway of Arnold Elementary School, I wanted to offer students a different way of looking at this iconic body of water. The Chesapeake plays an important role in the community and features in many of the school’s lesson plans. My goal was to present something familiar in an unexpected way, introducing concepts of abstraction, geometry, and symmetry.