About Ernest

“An artist is a sort of emotional or spiritual historian. His role is to make you realize the doom and glory of knowing who you are and what you are.”
-James Baldwin
The journey to self-discovery lasts a lifetime. That journey is the cornerstone of Ernest Shaw’s artistic and educational practice. Ernest was born in 1969 in Baltimore, Maryland during the Black Arts and Black Power movements. These movements have had and continue to have a… more
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The Portrait
"Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter." - Oscar Wilde
Kifwebe 1Kifwebe 60"x40" Acrylic 2019
Senufo 2 copy.jpgSenufo 2 60"x48" Mixed media 2020
Crossing Gods copy.jpgCrossing Gods 72"x48" Mixed Media 2020
Jamal copy.jpgJamal 72"x36" Acrylic 2020
IbejiIbeji 60"x48" Acrylic 2018
Mother to Son copy 2.jpgPortrait of Langston Hughes 30"x20" 72.6x50.8cm Mixed Media 2021
Where There's Smoke30"x20" Mixed Media 2022
Soyinka30"x20" Mixed Media 2022
Self Portrait.jpgSelf Portrait 60"x48" 152.4x121.92cm Mixed Media 2021
“Learning to draw is really a matter of learning to see – to see correctly – and that means a good deal more than merely looking with the eye.” – Kimon Nicolaides
George StinneyGeorge S. 38"x50" Charcoal 2019
Student50"x38" Charcoal On Paper
Student 250"x38" Charcoal On Paper
HoodedHooded 30"x22" Charcoal 2019
Eve (Masked)Masked 30"x22" Graphite 2016
Mask Fang22"x30" Graphite
GeorgeGeorge Digital Drawing 2020
Untitled30"x22" Graphite and Paint Maker 2021
“Don’t have much to say that wouldn’t look better on a wall.” - BiP
YemayaMural painted in Cali, Colombia 28'x8'
Yemaya 1Mural Painted at Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta, GA for Wonderroot. 60'x25'
Penn-North, BaltimoreSankofa
ToniM.jpgToni Morrison Graffiti Alley
Roy.jpgRoy Hargrove Graffiti Alley
Rochester, NYHendricks
East Bmore
Park and North (Baltimore,MD)Murals painted for the Bolton Hill community.
North and Collington (East Baltimore)Painted in tribute to Pontella Mason.