Work samples

  • Aquatic Womb
    Aquatic Womb

    This image, photo credit Elena Volkova, was taken to document a performance and art installation entitled, Aquatic Womb. The exhibition occurred in the summer of 2023 at The Hub 3522 in Highlandtown, Baltimore. I visited The Hub 3522 months prior to the exhibition and the space was filled with furniture, stored items, and even trash. I thought this "hole in the wall" would be the ideal place for a site specific installation. The owner of The Hub 3522 handed me the key to the space and I was able to transform the space into an underwater themed art installation that I could only describe as womb like. 

    The dimensions of the installation measured approximately 10'hx12'wx12'd. The walls are made from plastic drop cloths and party streamers, attached to the walls with contact tape imitating silica you may find in an aquatic womb.

    For the opening and closing of the installation I wore this costume acting as an aquatic creature or baby creature in a sea like womb. 

    Additional to being in costume, a live band played music with myself playing drums, Dan Breen on bass and Kevin Buckholdt on guitar. We played improvised surf like music for the audience and viewers. When live music wasn't being played an immersive sound scape piece was played in the space imitating a pounding whale heartbeat with a deep sea feel. The sound piece was a collaboration between myself and Dan Breen. 

  • Endwise Exhibition at Current Space
    Endwise Exhibition at Current Space

    This art installation and performance from 2007 occurred at Current Space in their old location on Calvert Street in downtown Baltimore. The title of the exhibition was "Endwise" and pictured is myself in a costume I made from bubble wrap and dyed cotton batting. I am eating a frozen popsicle and watching an underwater/sea documentary. 

    The rest of the installation is mainly made of cotton batting along with the television set. I sat in the installation during the course of the art opening, eating popsicles and watching the documentary. 

    My intention with the installation was to combine a sea like creature in a surreal setting to with a heavenly setting, and thus elevating nature to something spiritual. 

  • Aquatic Womb II with Virginia Warwick Trio Music
    Aquatic Womb II with Virginia Warwick Trio Music

    Aquatic Womb installation which first premiered and was created at The Hub 3522 in the summer of 2023 returned this time in the summer of 2024 to Night Owl Gallery in Station North Arts District in Baltimore. 

    The installation varied slightly from the first iteration in that the sculptural wall hangings were exhibited in the neighboring room and this space pictured has the plastic drop cloths and party streamers enveloping the walls on all three sides. 

    For the opening and closing reception, the band I am currently apart of, Virginia Warwick Trio, played improvised music in the installation. I was on vocals, Taylor Quinn played drums, Arthur Harrison played theremin and Kevin Buckholdt played bass.

    We all wore costumes in some fashion. I created octopus like head dresses for my band mates, and my costume was indeed aquatic and sea like made from found plastics, fiber, and foams. 

    Virginia Warwick Trio was voted among ten other bands as the best experimental band on Bandcamp in September of 2024 by Marc Masters. 

  • Feeding

    This Video, "Feeding" was created at the Solo Lab 5 Residency at Visarts at Rockville in 2021. During the residency, I had free range of the gallery space for five days to create a performance art installation and a video.

    In the installation I created a life sized deer out of bubble wrap and chicken wire along with a forest made from similar materials. The video depicts me "feeding" the deer plastic, rather unsuccessfully, from the surrounding forest. Using human made materials and transforming them to a nature setting, I aim to elevate nature to a human level and perhaps cause the viewer to question their own relationship with nature.

    There is a sound track to the video created by Kevin Buckholdt that is part of the video. 


About Virginia

A prankster at heart, Virginia Warwick first started performing, creating characters and storylines while growing up in Frederick, Maryland. While attending University of Maryland, College Park she found her passion in sculpture and performance art. After graduating undergrad, she was accepted into Rinehart School of Sculpture at MICA, where she refined her practice. Her work has been shown at such places as the Museum of Contemporary Art Arlington, ConnerSmith, Edison Place Gallery, Hood… more

Aquatic Womb

"Aquatic Womb" was the title of an immersive art installation that occurred in the summer of 2023 at The Hub at 3522 in Highlandtown, Baltimore. I created a costume of a jelly fish for the documentation of the installation and wore it during the art walk and artist talk at the gallery. Photography credit, Elena Volkova. 

  • Aquatic Womb
    Aquatic Womb
  • Aquatic Womb
    Aquatic Womb
  • Aquatic Womb
    Aquatic Womb
  • Aquatic Womb
    Aquatic Womb
  • Aquatic Womb
    Aquatic Womb
  • Aquatic Womb
    Aquatic Womb
  • Aquatic Womb Closing Reception

    During the closing reception of "Aquatic Womb" I played drums in a improvised surf band, wearing a jelly fish head dress. I recruited the help of my husband, Kevin Buckholdt to play guitar and Dan Breen to play bass. 

Olivia the Sea Turtle

For approximatley ten years I did performance art as Olivia the Sea Turtle. You could find me shopping, cooking, singing, reciting dairy entries, and dancing. 

  • Beach Babe
    Beach Babe

    Olivia the Sea Turtle at Lewes, DE beach

  • Underwater Adventure 2006
    Underwater Adventure 2006

    This image documents my performance at Load of Fun Studio in 2006 as part of an improvised musical ensemble.

  • Underwater Adventure 2006
    Underwater Adventure 2006

    This image documents me proposing to Arial the mermaid. 

  • Olivia the sea turtle at wham city comedy night

    As Olivia the Sea Turtle, I would read diary entries explaining the hardships of being on land. 

  • Olivia at the Metro Gallery

    I would also do dance numbers as Olivia the Sea Turtle. 

  • Homesick

    I spent the day in downtown Baltimore exploring the sights as Olivia the Sea Turtle. 

  • Bartending 101

    I bartended as Olivia the Sea Turtle at Arlington Arts Center. But there was a twist as I put sardines in the wine!

  • Olivia on Land

    This was the video I made while at the Vermont Studio Residency in 2008. 

  • Underwater Adventure 2006

    At Load of Fun Studios in 2006 I did a performance art number as Olivia the Sea Turtle with a improvised band. 

Squirrel Life

What Can I say? I like Squirrels. I first became fascinated with Squirrels during my undergraduate years when I was part of a musical group, Reincarnated Squirrel. Years later you could find me as a squirrel passing out pizza, and also creating a giant outdoor sculpture of a vicious squirrel. 

  • Family Portrait
    Family Portrait

    Family Portrait!, This is my actual family from 2007

  • Reincarnated Squirrel Performance
    Reincarnated Squirrel Performance

    This image documents a performance by the musical act, Reincarnated Squirrel, in which I attacked a audience member

  • How the Tables Have Turned
    How the Tables Have Turned

    I was part of the Artscape Outdoor Sculpture Competition in 2006 and made this giant squirrel!

  • How the Tables Have Turned
    How the Tables Have Turned

    Giant squirrel sculpture as part of the Artscape Outdoor Sculpture Competition

  • Feeding People Pizza

    In 2007 I feed people pizza in Wyman Park, Baltimore as part of the Transmodern Festival.

  • Reincarnated Squirrel

    This performance was part of my thesis performance at University of Maryland, College Park. 

2021 Solo Lab 5

This Video, "Feeding" was created at the Solo Lab 5 Residency at Visarts at Rockville in 2021. During the residency, I had free reign of the gallery space for five days to create a performance art installation. 

  • Video Still of Feeding
    Video Still of Feeding
  • Video Still of Feeding
    Video Still of Feeding
  • Video Still of Feeding
    Video Still of Feeding
  • 2021 Solo Lab 5: Virginia Warwick

    I created this video of the performance while in the installation I created in the gallery

"Dimensions In Between" Exhibition 2023

I exhibited "Dimensions In Between" in 2023 at the Delaplaine Arts Center in Frederick, Maryland. Photo credit, Jillian Macmaster and Patty Pearson

  • Out of Water
    Out of Water
  • Hide Out
    Hide Out
  • Jellies
  • Clusters Detail
    Clusters Detail
  • Clusters
  • Exhibition Art Installation Image
    Exhibition Art Installation Image
  • Take A Closer Look
    Take A Closer Look

"Fabricated Environments" Exhibition 2022

In 2022 I exhibited "Fabricated Environments" at Ruby Projects Gallery in Alexandria, Virginia. Photo credit, Jillian Macmaster

  • Gallery Installation Image
    Gallery Installation Image
  • Clusters
  • Landscape
  • Exhibition Installation Image
    Exhibition Installation Image
  • Exhibition Installation Image
    Exhibition Installation Image
  • Exhibition Installation Image
    Exhibition Installation Image
  • Entangled