About David

Baltimore artist David Brown was born and raised in Frederick, MD. A graduate of UMBC’s fine arts program, David first gained installation and design experience at the UMBC gallery. This led him to the Thomas Segal Gallery in Baltimore, a private, blue-chip gallery that specialized in modern and contemporary masterworks. While at Thomas Segal, David had the opportunity to interact with significant works of art on a daily basis, both in the gallery, and at international art fairs.
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Yellow Oval on RedEnamel on Wood Panels
Silver Rectangle on Dark RedEnamel on Wood Panel
25 Silver CirclesInk on Paper
Untitled InstallationEnamel on Wood Panel
Silver Oval on Dark BlueEnamel on Wood Panel
49 Silver CirclesEnamel on Wood Panel
Detail of River Painting #1Enamel on Wood Panel
Orange Corner ShapeEnamel on Panel
Purple Corner ShapeEnamel on Wood Panel
Detail of Silver Rectangle on Dark Red