About ezra
Currently I am working on a large scale historical mural project in an alley with large walls, collaborating with real estate owner Allen Fair, on Market street near Bourbon street in Havre de Grace. … more
a selection of ideas
This gives a basic overview of my style. I try to marry bold colors, landscapes, architecture, surrealism, and whimsy to create a different way of looking at the world around us. There is a shallow depth of field that is deliberate to create bold colorful images.
floating boats orange sky.jpgthis is an opportunity to paint local landscapes, but slightly alter it to make it more interesting, surreal
bulle rock main.jpg
bulle rock restaurant entrance
havre de grace bridge mural 2.jpghavre de grace bridge mural
laurrapin grille mural.jpgshakedown street
rose ladies.jpgrose ladies
crab infiltration Havre de Grace.jpgcrabs taking over downtown historic district
Amsterdam.jpgred light district, brothels
german dinner.jpgprost
scientists.jpginvention oil painting
This is a current project underway that real estate owner Allen Fair and I are working on to help give visuals to our local Havre de Grace history and culture. We are excited about the attention and overall support this project has gotten.
DSC_2763.jpgRed Onion (Brothel Mural), and the next two murals underway, the Underground railroad, and the skipjack maritime mural.
DSC_2764-Pano.jpgThe Dream Race at the Graw is about our local race track that once was a huge tourist attraction and part of our local economy. It was a very exciting time in our local history. the small mural that is attached to it is part of the story following the great Citation from arrival, the winning the race, to the celebration afterwards.
DSC_2768.jpgUnderground Railroad (incomplete) and the Red Onion Brothel Mural
DSC_2790.jpgThis one made the Baltimore news after Lowell Melser picked up the controversy of several locals who thought the mural was too descriptive for public art. Allen and I chose the edit the original so that we won back the majority of the people who were upset about it. An overwhelming amount of public support came forth at the same time. The idea proved to be a hot topic that had many people talking about forgotten local history, our wild past, public art, easthetic beauty, and our town.
more ideas
bathroom mural fish underwater.jpg
bulle rock restaurant.jpg
desert myth.jpgsomething combining hunger/thirst, mythology, and woman as goddess
fish in wine glasses.jpgdifferent tastes, dry red and semi-sweet white, different ways of viewing things, discussing a book after dinner
floating boats sunset lighthouse.jpg
jimmy giraffe.jpgI worked at the Plumpton Park Zoo for a brief time to make ends meet, this is Jimmy.
mazehead.jpgMy sons loved bedtime stories and the father and son bonding time.
shark and scuba.jpginnocently on vacation enthralled by the beauty of nature, nature can so quickly take us when it is our time
woman relaxing in tub surreal.jpgwoman sending calm waves of emotion to a boat riding on her waves, like the moon influencing the tides
Larger and larger projects
72599E6C-05A0-4EDE-9B44-F722032DA183.jpegUnder Chesapeake or Gone Fishin
this is a painting I wish I never sold. I always liked it and as you know, artists dont always love their work.
271DFDA1-CAF6-40B0-932B-6745E61BB06D.jpegthis is me playing with colors. when I return from the paint store with new colors, I get so excited to try for new things. playful
my kids loved the jurassic park movies. this is my attempt to captivate them with paintings. it worked. these were their favorites.
A5E2D04B-30C4-44FF-B692-3103E7B70173_4_5005_c.jpegno description
more murals
2021_10_07HarmerTown-W-9700.JPGthe tradition of decoy carving, these are the most well known guys who started that, most notably Madison Mitchell, third from the left.
2021_10_01HarmerTown-5369.JPGthe susquehannock Indians are an often misrepresented story in our history books. We are trying to tell the story blunt and honestly.
thumbnail-5.jpegThe fury of the race must have been exciting event to behold back in the days of the Graw track.
2021_10_07HarmerTown-W-9773-Pano.JPGpanorama of the park area.
thumbnail-4 copy.jpegaround the corner of the building, the newspaper boys delivering the news
94324717_10216822704907671_110124898499690496_n.jpgcity hall, council chambers
2021_10_07HarmerTown-W-9716.JPGthe grain mill with covered bridge (which has been destroyed)
2021_10_07EzarPainting-00008-2.jpgwhen the circus came through town, it was an exciting time
245545961_10227285979203157_3460607310818336977_n.jpgWORK IN PROGRESS. To honor our veterans.
thumbnail-1 copy.jpegthe political show, a sketch for a mural in Washington DC.