Work samples

  • Screenshot_20181130-182529_Chrome.jpg
    Marie Claire South Africa ran an essay I wrote on reuniting with my biological family in the summer of 2016.
    I spoke to the BBC last year about my adoption story - particularly about how I located my biological mother online by accident while waiting for a friend to dress for a party. I'd simply input my own information into a website 17 years ago and - voila - there she was, just waiting.
  • Search me: why did I go looking for my birth mother online? | Life and style | The Guardian.pdf
    In October, 2015, The Guardian Weekender print edition ran an essay I wrote on my reunification with my biological family. The piece was also posted online.
  • Catapult | A Conversation with Brandon | Abby Higgs.pdf
    In March 2016, Catapult published an essay I wrote about my relationship with my biological nephew, Brandon, who is now a writer himself in Connersville, Indiana.

About Abigail

Howdy. I'm not going to put my "about me" info here; I'll let my pitch do the talkin'. Here it goes: I intend to create the "Rushville" podcast - a radio program that is the culmination of a 17-year-long obsession. This one-hour episodic podcast will be an investigative dive into both my own biological backstory, as well as the history of one small, Indiana farming town: Rushville - where, 38 years ago, I was born and immediately relinquished from.  

Most members of my biological… more

The Day I Met My Mother, Sept. 10, 2001

This photo was taken the first day my mother and I ever met. My older half-sister, Jane, is featured as well. It was taken on Sept. 10, 2001. 
  • first.day_.sept_.10.2001.jpg
    This photo was taken the first day my mother and I ever met. My older half-sister, Jane, is featured as well. It was taken on Sept. 10, 2001.

The Day My Mother Was Buried, April 13, 2018

This photo was taken on the day of my biological mother's funeral - April 13, 2018. In it, I am gracefully sandwiched between my older siblings, Jane and Joe. My mother died of massive organ failure following a decade of strokes - the first of which she suffered in 2005. Over the years, as my mother grew sicker, she lost her ability speak. That's when I stopped learning about her life, her history, my family's history, and, ultimately, my own. I decided to wait until she passed to pursue my investigation and subsequent podcast, not wanting to stir up more trouble where it needn't exist.

Now, I'm ready.

RIP, Mom. 
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