Thomas's profile
Tidal energy, gravity, and evolution are the unstoppable forces that reshapes human made building materials discarded into our waterways. The passage of time smooths rough edges.
I have collected tumbled building materials like bricks and discarded styrofoam that have been transformed into something that might occur in nature. Bricks from the inner harbor and Herring Run. Styrofoam from the banks of the Ohio river outside Pittsburgh, Pa.
The tumbled bricks are in taxonomy and staged tableaux that I am calling HOW TO GET ALONG. Individual specimens staged on found wooden building materials also found on the Chesapeake. These relics are arranged like I see us. We are worthy. Personal agency for myself and everyone else, including my materials. I’ve fallen in love with them. I try to give my materials breathing room. All artifacts are as found and cleaned gently with a toothbrush.
I have and continue to forage periodically for these specimens on our waterways. One hope is renewed interest our history and encouragement to spend more time on and around our coastal environments.
Personal agency is the number one tenet in my manifesto. I treat my materials the same.
Hundreds, perhaps thousands of these inspiring naturally tumbled bricks, no matter the history, are living proof evolution is beautiful and diverse. I consider evolution an unstoppable force that only goes forward. Coaxing, gently, from “winner takes all” philosophical conditioning is my tact now. I forgive but never forget. Much like these relics. They will mean many things to many people and I personally am electrified with excitement. I love my life.
These fossils (?) essentially belong to everyone. I am merely borrowing them to provide meaning. My aim is true. The story on how I was introduced to this resource is rich and authentic. I also love Baltimore. Every inch and every life. It’s my belief we are a sacred city. We are kind. Some can argue otherwise, at their peril. Philosophically.
This is would be my first show. Artomatic last spring I don’t count. I look forward to hearing your response, and thank you for your consideration and for being here.
I really am a delightful collaborator. I understand the world we live.
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