Michael E.'s profile
Michael Northrup
2315 Maryland Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21218
1980-MFA Photography/ School of the Art Institute of Chicago
1971-BFA Photography/ Ohio University/Athens, OH
2001-Maryland Institute College of Art/Instructor
-Baltimore School for the Arts/Instructor
1993-Maryland Institute College of Art/Instructor Continuing Studies
1985-Shepherd College/Instructor-coordinator Photography Program through 1990/West Virginia
1983-University of Virginia/Assist. Professor
-Mary Baldwin College/Instructor Photography/Virginia
-Piedmont Virginia Community College/Instructor/Virginia
-Blue Rigde Summer Photography Workshops/Instructor-coordinator/Virginia
1982-University of Virginia Continuing Education/Instructor Photography
1981-University of Virginia/Instructor of Photography/one term appointment
1980-Northwestern University/Instructor Photography/IL.
1978-School of the Art Institute of Chicago/Assistantships through 1980
-Marietta College/Instructor Photography
1977-Parkersburg Community College/Instructor Photography/West Virginia
1975-Sun Valley Center for the Arts/Instructor Photography
1997- Board Member / American Institute of Graphic Artists 1995-1997
1989-Strobophoto Studio/Owner commercial studio (ongoing)/Baltimore
1988-Education Committee/Art Directors Club of Metropolitan Washington
-Photo Consultant/Jefferson Historical Society/Shepherdstown, WV
1987-Photo Editor/Good Shepherd Newspaper/WV
1984-Northrup Photography/Owner commercial studio (through 1985)/Marietta, OH
1983-Exhibition Committee Member-Curator/Second Street Gallery/Charlottesville, VA
1982-Arts and Crafts Advisory Committee/Piedmont Virginia Community College
1980-Photofinisher/Gamma Labs/Chicago
1979-Photoarchivist/The Field Museum of Natural History/Chicago
-Personal Assistant/Barbara Crane/Chicago
1978-Exhibition coordinator/The Harry Fisher Collection/Marietta College/OH
1974-Understudy/Assistant/Judy Dater/San Anselmo, CA
1973-Apprentice/Minor White/Arlington, MA
1972-Understudy/Frederick Sommer/Prescott, AZ
1971-Assistant/Jack Welpott/San Anselmo, CA
1995-Maryland Arts Council Artist Support Grant
1987-Shepherd College Faculty Grant/Projects Grant
1985-Polaroid Artist Support Grant
1984-Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation/Artist Support
1982-The Blue Ridge Summer Photography Workshops/Coordinator-Instructor
1975-Sun Valley Arts Center/Coordinator-Instructor Photography
2009-Association of Alternative Newsweeklies/Best Photography
2005-American Photography/Book award “Beautiful Ecstacy”
1997- HOW Magazine Annual Design Awards
1995-Print Magazine Annual International Awards
-ADCMW Annual Awards Exhibition
1994-Art Directors Club of Metro Washington (ADCMW) Annual Awards Exhibition
1993-Graphis Photography Annual Awards Publication
-ADCMW Annual Awards Exhibiton
-International Design by Electronics Assoc. (IDEA) Annual Awards Exhibition
-Houston International Film Festival/Silver Award/Experimental Animation/From Nickelodeon Network Project
1992-Print Magazine Design Annual/Award of Excellence
-Graphis Photography Annual/Best of Show/Product
-ADCMW Annual Awards Exhibition
1991-Communication Arts Photography Annual/Award of Excellence
-Flash Magazine/Creative Excellence Award
1990-Westinghouse Corporation/Purchase Award/Three Rivers Arts Festival/Pittsburgh
-19th Juried Photography Exhibition/Cash Award/Jewish Arts Community Center/Houston
-50th International Photographic Salon of Japan/Medallion Award/Juror Eikoh Hosoe
-Works on Walls/Exhibition 280/Honorable Mention
1989-Huntington Museum of Art/West Virginia Juried Exhibition/Governer’s Award of Excellence
-Three Rivers Arts Festival/First Place Cash Award/juror Nathan Lyons
-Art 54 Gallery/Award of Excellence/Soho, NYC
-The New Gallery/First Place Cash Award/Photowork 89/University of Miami
1988-Toledo Friends of Photography/Cash Award Honorable Mention/1988 Juried Exhibition
-Spiva Art Center/First Place Cash Award/Photospiva 88/Mo.
-Museum of Art/Univ. of Oklahoma/Purchase Award/1988 Biennial
-The New Gallery/Second Place Purchase Award/Univ of Fl.
-The Jewish Community Center of Houston/Second Place Cash Award/18th Juried Photography
1987-Huntington Museum of Art/Governer’s Award of Excellence Purchase Award/West Virginia
Juried Exhibition
1986-Western Conneticut State Univ/Purchase Award
-Photo Metro Magazine Photo Competition/First Place Cover Piece
-Huntington Museum of Art/Honorable Mention/Works on Walls
1985-Murray State Univ/Purchase Award/Magic Silver Show
-Three Rivers Arts Festival/First Place Purchase Award/Pittsburgh
1984-Erie Art Museum/Purchase Award/Photonational Exhibition
1981-Murray State Univ/Cash Award/Magic Silver Show
1980-Erie Art Museum/Purchase Award/Photonational 80
-Spiva Art Center/Honorable Mention/Photospiva 80
1979-School of the Art Institute of Chicago/Van De Grift Scholarship/Full
2002-Maryland Art Place/”Seriious Humourists”
1992-Wilmington Art Center
1991-Museum of Art/Univ. of Oklahoma/US Biennial IV
-Washington Center for Photogrpahy/Invitational
1990-Pittsburgh Art Institute Gallery/Three Rivers Art Festival
-Gallery 490/The Photographic Process/Baltimore
-International Photographic Salon of Japan/50th Juried Exhibition/Eikoh Hosoe
-Huntington Museum of Art/Works on Walls
-Rancho Santiago College Art Gallery/Peacemaking in Action/Juried, John Upton
-Jewish Community Center of Houston/19th Juried Exhibition
-Matrix Gallery/Photography-On the Border of Reality/CA
-Second Street Gallery/A Celebration of Photograpy/VA
1989-Spiva Art Center/Photo Spiva 89/MO
-The Cultural Center Capitol Complex/WV Juried Exhibition 89/Huntington
-Silver Eye Gallery/Pittsburgh
-Gallery 490/The Extended Photo/Baltimore
-Art 54 Gallery/Artitudes/NYC
-Blatant Image Gallery/5th Biennial National Photography Exhibit/Curator Peter
-Washington Center for Photography/From the Collection/DC
-Associated Artists Gallery/National Aperture Exhibition/NC
-Pittsburgh Art Institute Gallery/Three Rivers Art Festival/Juror Nathan Lyons
1988-The New Gallery/Photo Work 88/Juror Evon Streetman/FL
-Spiva Art Center/Photo Spiva 88/Juror Jack Welpott
-Matrix Gallery/Sacramento
-North Carolina Center for Creative Photography/Traveling Exhibition
The Jewish Community Center of Houston/18th Juried Exhibition/Juror Andy Grundberg
-The Huntington Museum of Art/Exhibiton 280/wV
-Second Street Gallery/The Assembled Image/VA
-Mid Hudson Arts and Science Center/Photowork 88/Juror Cornell Capa
-Museum of Art/Univ of Oklahoma/US Biennial III
1987-University of New Mexico/American Color/Traveling Exhibiton
-Capitol Cultural Center/West Virginia Juried Exhibtion 1987
-University of Akron Art Center/Snowlight
-Museum of the Rockies/Body Subject/Montana State Univ
-Northwest Artist Wrokshop/Erotic 87/Portland
-1708-Gallery/Altered Visions/Richmond
1986-Los Angeles Center for Photographic Studies/Neglected Realities of Americana
-Spiva Art Center/Photo Spiva 86
-San Francisco Commission Gallery/Photo Metro Exhibition
-Molton Rhodes Gallery/National Aperture 86/Curated Van Daren Coke
-Three Rivers Arts Festival/Pittsburgh
-Boulder Center for the Visual Arts/Naked/Univ of Colorado
-Western Connecticut State Univ/Light Images 86
-Florida Institute of Technology/1986 North American Invitational
-Midwest Photography Sruvey Exhibiton/SPE National Conference
1985-Sarah Spurgeon Gallery/New Photographics 85/Central Washington Univ
-Huntington Galleries/Works on Walls/WV
-Maryland Art Place/Mid Atlantic Exhibition/Baltimore
-Midwest Traveling Photography Exhibit/St Louis Community College
-Tallahassee Invitational/Florida State Univ
-Murray State University Art Center/Magic Silver Show/KY
1984-Erie Art Museum/Photonational/PA
-Siegfried Art Center/Alternatives 84/Ohio Univ
-Spurgeon Gallery/Central Washington Univ
1983-Virginia Museum of Art/Richmond
-Catskill Center for Photography/NY
-The Aspen Center for the Visual Arts/CO
-Sioux City Art Center/IO
-Projects Art Center/Cambridge, MA
1982-Oklahoma Museum of Art/Invitational
-Cal Arts 7th Annual Photography Exhibiton/CA
-Southern Alleghany Museum of Art/NEA Traveling Exhibiton
-Sawhill Gallery/Exposure Times 6/James Madison Univ
1981-Spiva Arts Center/Photo Spiva 81/MO
-E J Bellocq Gallery/LA
-Murray State University Gallery/Magic Silver Show/KY
Fayerweather Gallery/Univ of Virginia
1980-The Chicago Art Institute/Masks
-Illinois State Museum/Illinois Photographers
-Erie Art Center/Photonational 80
-Spiva Arts Center/Photo Spiva 80
-John Hancock Art Center/7th International Human Unity Exhibition/Chicago
-Cameravision Gallery/Hollywood
-Cal Arts School of Art and Design Gallery/CA
1978-Columbus Museum of Fine Arts/130 Years of Ohio Photograpy
Museum of Contemporary Photography/Chicago, IL
Nikon Corp
Intelsat Communications
MCI Communications Corp
Scientific America Publications
Dupont Corp
Westinghouse Corp
Polaroid Corp
Chicago Art Institute
Virginia Museum of Art
Erie Art Museum
Museum of Art/Univ of Oklahoma
Visual Studies Workshop/Rochester
Washington Center for Photography/DC
Eastman Pharmaceutical/Eastman Kodak
Merchant & Farmers National Bank
Gomez Gallery/Baltimore
Sara Spurgeon Gallery
Murray State University Gallery/KY
The West Virginia Department of Culture and History/Charleston
2003- “Beautiful Ecstacy”-J&L Publishers/A book on my work from 1978-1984
1995- Print Magazine Awards Annual
- How Magazine International Awards Annual
1994-Step by Step Magazine/IDEA Exhibition
1993-Graphis Photography Annual
-Confetti Magazine/Chicago/Article on Strobophoto
1992-The Discovery Channel Magazine
-Print Annual Magazine
-Communication Arts Photography Annul
-Graphis Photography Annual
-Graphis Poster Annual
-Art Direction Magazine/Article on Strobophoto
-Photo/Design Magazine/Article on Strobophoto
1991-Washington Post Magazine
-Communication Arts Photography Annual
-Print Annual Magazine
-Photographic Possibilities/Text
1990-Fullbleed Magazine/Journal Art Directors Club of Metro Washington
-The 50th International Photographic Salon of Japan Exhibition/Juried Eikoh Hosoe/Catalogue
1989-Then and Now/The Appalachain Art Magazine/TN
1988-Exploring Color Photography/Text
-Contact Sheet/Catalogue Light Work Publication
1987-West Virginia Artists Series/Catalogue
-West Virginia Juried Exhibition/Catalogue
1986-Photo Metro Magazine/Cover Award
1984-American Photographer Magazine/May/Article on Strobophoto
-Photonational 84/Catalogue
-Photography:Image and Illusion/Text/Prentice Hall
1983-Aspen Center for the Arts Invitational Exhibition/Catalogue
1982-Camera Arts Magazine
1981-Picture Magazine #17
-Studies in Visual Anthropology/Annenberg School of Communication/Penn State
-Visions Magazine/School of the Art Institute Magazine
1980-A Celebration of the Human Family/Catalogue/Chicago
-Photospiva 80/Catalogue
1978-130 Years of Ohio Photography/Catalogue
2000-Parsons School of Art/NYC
1990-Loyola Marymont College/Los Angeles
1989-James Madison University/Harrisonburg, VA\
-Moore College of Art/Philadelphia
1985-James Madison Univ
1983-Virginia Intermont College
1981-James Madison Univ
1979-Prarie State College/IL
-Beloit College/WI
1975-Ohio University
-Carthage College/WI
2002-Herman Fine Arts Gallery/Marietta College/Ohio
1991-The Washington Center for Photograpy/Northrup/His Work and Those He Influenced
1990-Exit Gallery/New Light Paintings/Univ of Nevada
-New Image Gallery/Summer Puzzles/Univ of Illinois/Chicago
1989-SRO Corridor Gallery/New Summer Images of 89/Texas Tech Univ
-Available Light Gallery/More Strobacolor/FL
-Photographic Study Center/Dallas
-Moore College of Art/Developing a Strobonic Aesthetic/Philadelphia
1988-Pittsburgh Filmmakers Gallery/Puzzle Series
-Upstairs Gallery/New Puzzle Pieces
-Workspace Gallery/Univ of Colorado
-Southern Light Gallery/Strobocolor/Puzzle Pieces/Amarillo College\
-Cameracases Gallery/Univ of Arkansas
-Monongahela Arts Center/Traveling Exhibtion
1986-Bay Vista Gallery/Florida International Univ
-Galleria Gallery/Developments in Strobocolor/Univ of California/San Francisco
-Orange Coast College Gallery/CA
1985-Colorado Photogaphic Arts Center/Colored People/Denver
-Sanford Gallery/Clarion Univ/PA
-St Louis Community College/Altered Portrait/MO
-Elgin Community College/MO
1984-Old Dominion University Gallery/VA
-Catskill Center for Photography/Levitations/NY
-Lightfantastic Gallery/Michigan State Univ
-Greyston Gallery/New Strobocolor/NYC
-Southern Light Gallery/TX
-Herman Fine Arts Gallery/OH
-New Image Gallery/James Madison Univ/VA
1983-Cameravision Gallery/LA
-Eye Gallery/San Francisco
-Allen Memorial Art Museum/Oberlin College
-Lightfantastic Gallery/MI
-Photoworks Gallery/Richmond
-Cameracases Gallery/AK
-Rutger Gallery/Utica NY
-Pittsburgh Filmmakers Gallery/Altered Portrait
-Tarrant County Community College/Dallas
-Piedmont Virginia Community College/VA
1982-Lightfantastic Gallery/Michigan State
-Photogenesis Gallery/Albuquerque
-E J Bellocq Gallery/Ruston LA
-New Image Gallery/James Madison Univ
1981-Second Street Gallery/VA
1980-Penn State Univ Gallery/Levitations
1979-Tube Gallery/Beloit College/WI
1975-West Virginia University Gallery/Recent Wrok
-Carthage Gallery of Fine Arts/WI
Michael Northrup
2315 Maryland Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21218
1980-MFA Photography/ School of the Art Institute of Chicago
1971-BFA Photography/ Ohio University/Athens, OH
2001-Maryland Institute College of Art/Instructor
-Baltimore School for the Arts/Instructor
1993-Maryland Institute College of Art/Instructor Continuing Studies
1985-Shepherd College/Instructor-coordinator Photography Program through 1990/West Virginia
1983-University of Virginia/Assist. Professor
-Mary Baldwin College/Instructor Photography/Virginia
-Piedmont Virginia Community College/Instructor/Virginia
-Blue Rigde Summer Photography Workshops/Instructor-coordinator/Virginia
1982-University of Virginia Continuing Education/Instructor Photography
1981-University of Virginia/Instructor of Photography/one term appointment
1980-Northwestern University/Instructor Photography/IL.
1978-School of the Art Institute of Chicago/Assistantships through 1980
-Marietta College/Instructor Photography
1977-Parkersburg Community College/Instructor Photography/West Virginia
1975-Sun Valley Center for the Arts/Instructor Photography
1997- Board Member / American Institute of Graphic Artists 1995-1997
1989-Strobophoto Studio/Owner commercial studio (ongoing)/Baltimore
1988-Education Committee/Art Directors Club of Metropolitan Washington
-Photo Consultant/Jefferson Historical Society/Shepherdstown, WV
1987-Photo Editor/Good Shepherd Newspaper/WV
1984-Northrup Photography/Owner commercial studio (through 1985)/Marietta, OH
1983-Exhibition Committee Member-Curator/Second Street Gallery/Charlottesville, VA
1982-Arts and Crafts Advisory Committee/Piedmont Virginia Community College
1980-Photofinisher/Gamma Labs/Chicago
1979-Photoarchivist/The Field Museum of Natural History/Chicago
-Personal Assistant/Barbara Crane/Chicago
1978-Exhibition coordinator/The Harry Fisher Collection/Marietta College/OH
1974-Understudy/Assistant/Judy Dater/San Anselmo, CA
1973-Apprentice/Minor White/Arlington, MA
1972-Understudy/Frederick Sommer/Prescott, AZ
1971-Assistant/Jack Welpott/San Anselmo, CA
1995-Maryland Arts Council Artist Support Grant
1987-Shepherd College Faculty Grant/Projects Grant
1985-Polaroid Artist Support Grant
1984-Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation/Artist Support
1982-The Blue Ridge Summer Photography Workshops/Coordinator-Instructor
1975-Sun Valley Arts Center/Coordinator-Instructor Photography
2009-Association of Alternative Newsweeklies/Best Photography
2005-American Photography/Book award “Beautiful Ecstacy”
1997- HOW Magazine Annual Design Awards
1995-Print Magazine Annual International Awards
-ADCMW Annual Awards Exhibition
1994-Art Directors Club of Metro Washington (ADCMW) Annual Awards Exhibition
1993-Graphis Photography Annual Awards Publication
-ADCMW Annual Awards Exhibiton
-International Design by Electronics Assoc. (IDEA) Annual Awards Exhibition
-Houston International Film Festival/Silver Award/Experimental Animation/From Nickelodeon Network Project
1992-Print Magazine Design Annual/Award of Excellence
-Graphis Photography Annual/Best of Show/Product
-ADCMW Annual Awards Exhibition
1991-Communication Arts Photography Annual/Award of Excellence
-Flash Magazine/Creative Excellence Award
1990-Westinghouse Corporation/Purchase Award/Three Rivers Arts Festival/Pittsburgh
-19th Juried Photography Exhibition/Cash Award/Jewish Arts Community Center/Houston
-50th International Photographic Salon of Japan/Medallion Award/Juror Eikoh Hosoe
-Works on Walls/Exhibition 280/Honorable Mention
1989-Huntington Museum of Art/West Virginia Juried Exhibition/Governer’s Award of Excellence
-Three Rivers Arts Festival/First Place Cash Award/juror Nathan Lyons
-Art 54 Gallery/Award of Excellence/Soho, NYC
-The New Gallery/First Place Cash Award/Photowork 89/University of Miami
1988-Toledo Friends of Photography/Cash Award Honorable Mention/1988 Juried Exhibition
-Spiva Art Center/First Place Cash Award/Photospiva 88/Mo.
-Museum of Art/Univ. of Oklahoma/Purchase Award/1988 Biennial
-The New Gallery/Second Place Purchase Award/Univ of Fl.
-The Jewish Community Center of Houston/Second Place Cash Award/18th Juried Photography
1987-Huntington Museum of Art/Governer’s Award of Excellence Purchase Award/West Virginia
Juried Exhibition
1986-Western Conneticut State Univ/Purchase Award
-Photo Metro Magazine Photo Competition/First Place Cover Piece
-Huntington Museum of Art/Honorable Mention/Works on Walls
1985-Murray State Univ/Purchase Award/Magic Silver Show
-Three Rivers Arts Festival/First Place Purchase Award/Pittsburgh
1984-Erie Art Museum/Purchase Award/Photonational Exhibition
1981-Murray State Univ/Cash Award/Magic Silver Show
1980-Erie Art Museum/Purchase Award/Photonational 80
-Spiva Art Center/Honorable Mention/Photospiva 80
1979-School of the Art Institute of Chicago/Van De Grift Scholarship/Full
2002-Maryland Art Place/”Seriious Humourists”
1992-Wilmington Art Center
1991-Museum of Art/Univ. of Oklahoma/US Biennial IV
-Washington Center for Photogrpahy/Invitational
1990-Pittsburgh Art Institute Gallery/Three Rivers Art Festival
-Gallery 490/The Photographic Process/Baltimore
-International Photographic Salon of Japan/50th Juried Exhibition/Eikoh Hosoe
-Huntington Museum of Art/Works on Walls
-Rancho Santiago College Art Gallery/Peacemaking in Action/Juried, John Upton
-Jewish Community Center of Houston/19th Juried Exhibition
-Matrix Gallery/Photography-On the Border of Reality/CA
-Second Street Gallery/A Celebration of Photograpy/VA
1989-Spiva Art Center/Photo Spiva 89/MO
-The Cultural Center Capitol Complex/WV Juried Exhibition 89/Huntington
-Silver Eye Gallery/Pittsburgh
-Gallery 490/The Extended Photo/Baltimore
-Art 54 Gallery/Artitudes/NYC
-Blatant Image Gallery/5th Biennial National Photography Exhibit/Curator Peter
-Washington Center for Photography/From the Collection/DC
-Associated Artists Gallery/National Aperture Exhibition/NC
-Pittsburgh Art Institute Gallery/Three Rivers Art Festival/Juror Nathan Lyons
1988-The New Gallery/Photo Work 88/Juror Evon Streetman/FL
-Spiva Art Center/Photo Spiva 88/Juror Jack Welpott
-Matrix Gallery/Sacramento
-North Carolina Center for Creative Photography/Traveling Exhibition
The Jewish Community Center of Houston/18th Juried Exhibition/Juror Andy Grundberg
-The Huntington Museum of Art/Exhibiton 280/wV
-Second Street Gallery/The Assembled Image/VA
-Mid Hudson Arts and Science Center/Photowork 88/Juror Cornell Capa
-Museum of Art/Univ of Oklahoma/US Biennial III
1987-University of New Mexico/American Color/Traveling Exhibiton
-Capitol Cultural Center/West Virginia Juried Exhibtion 1987
-University of Akron Art Center/Snowlight
-Museum of the Rockies/Body Subject/Montana State Univ
-Northwest Artist Wrokshop/Erotic 87/Portland
-1708-Gallery/Altered Visions/Richmond
1986-Los Angeles Center for Photographic Studies/Neglected Realities of Americana
-Spiva Art Center/Photo Spiva 86
-San Francisco Commission Gallery/Photo Metro Exhibition
-Molton Rhodes Gallery/National Aperture 86/Curated Van Daren Coke
-Three Rivers Arts Festival/Pittsburgh
-Boulder Center for the Visual Arts/Naked/Univ of Colorado
-Western Connecticut State Univ/Light Images 86
-Florida Institute of Technology/1986 North American Invitational
-Midwest Photography Sruvey Exhibiton/SPE National Conference
1985-Sarah Spurgeon Gallery/New Photographics 85/Central Washington Univ
-Huntington Galleries/Works on Walls/WV
-Maryland Art Place/Mid Atlantic Exhibition/Baltimore
-Midwest Traveling Photography Exhibit/St Louis Community College
-Tallahassee Invitational/Florida State Univ
-Murray State University Art Center/Magic Silver Show/KY
1984-Erie Art Museum/Photonational/PA
-Siegfried Art Center/Alternatives 84/Ohio Univ
-Spurgeon Gallery/Central Washington Univ
1983-Virginia Museum of Art/Richmond
-Catskill Center for Photography/NY
-The Aspen Center for the Visual Arts/CO
-Sioux City Art Center/IO
-Projects Art Center/Cambridge, MA
1982-Oklahoma Museum of Art/Invitational
-Cal Arts 7th Annual Photography Exhibiton/CA
-Southern Alleghany Museum of Art/NEA Traveling Exhibiton
-Sawhill Gallery/Exposure Times 6/James Madison Univ
1981-Spiva Arts Center/Photo Spiva 81/MO
-E J Bellocq Gallery/LA
-Murray State University Gallery/Magic Silver Show/KY
Fayerweather Gallery/Univ of Virginia
1980-The Chicago Art Institute/Masks
-Illinois State Museum/Illinois Photographers
-Erie Art Center/Photonational 80
-Spiva Arts Center/Photo Spiva 80
-John Hancock Art Center/7th International Human Unity Exhibition/Chicago
-Cameravision Gallery/Hollywood
-Cal Arts School of Art and Design Gallery/CA
1978-Columbus Museum of Fine Arts/130 Years of Ohio Photograpy
Museum of Contemporary Photography/Chicago, IL
Nikon Corp
Intelsat Communications
MCI Communications Corp
Scientific America Publications
Dupont Corp
Westinghouse Corp
Polaroid Corp
Chicago Art Institute
Virginia Museum of Art
Erie Art Museum
Museum of Art/Univ of Oklahoma
Visual Studies Workshop/Rochester
Washington Center for Photography/DC
Eastman Pharmaceutical/Eastman Kodak
Merchant & Farmers National Bank
Gomez Gallery/Baltimore
Sara Spurgeon Gallery
Murray State University Gallery/KY
The West Virginia Department of Culture and History/Charleston
2003- “Beautiful Ecstacy”-J&L Publishers/A book on my work from 1978-1984
1995- Print Magazine Awards Annual
- How Magazine International Awards Annual
1994-Step by Step Magazine/IDEA Exhibition
1993-Graphis Photography Annual
-Confetti Magazine/Chicago/Article on Strobophoto
1992-The Discovery Channel Magazine
-Print Annual Magazine
-Communication Arts Photography Annul
-Graphis Photography Annual
-Graphis Poster Annual
-Art Direction Magazine/Article on Strobophoto
-Photo/Design Magazine/Article on Strobophoto
1991-Washington Post Magazine
-Communication Arts Photography Annual
-Print Annual Magazine
-Photographic Possibilities/Text
1990-Fullbleed Magazine/Journal Art Directors Club of Metro Washington
-The 50th International Photographic Salon of Japan Exhibition/Juried Eikoh Hosoe/Catalogue
1989-Then and Now/The Appalachain Art Magazine/TN
1988-Exploring Color Photography/Text
-Contact Sheet/Catalogue Light Work Publication
1987-West Virginia Artists Series/Catalogue
-West Virginia Juried Exhibition/Catalogue
1986-Photo Metro Magazine/Cover Award
1984-American Photographer Magazine/May/Article on Strobophoto
-Photonational 84/Catalogue
-Photography:Image and Illusion/Text/Prentice Hall
1983-Aspen Center for the Arts Invitational Exhibition/Catalogue
1982-Camera Arts Magazine
1981-Picture Magazine #17
-Studies in Visual Anthropology/Annenberg School of Communication/Penn State
-Visions Magazine/School of the Art Institute Magazine
1980-A Celebration of the Human Family/Catalogue/Chicago
-Photospiva 80/Catalogue
1978-130 Years of Ohio Photography/Catalogue
2000-Parsons School of Art/NYC
1990-Loyola Marymont College/Los Angeles
1989-James Madison University/Harrisonburg, VA\
-Moore College of Art/Philadelphia
1985-James Madison Univ
1983-Virginia Intermont College
1981-James Madison Univ
1979-Prarie State College/IL
-Beloit College/WI
1975-Ohio University
-Carthage College/WI
2002-Herman Fine Arts Gallery/Marietta College/Ohio
1991-The Washington Center for Photograpy/Northrup/His Work and Those He Influenced
1990-Exit Gallery/New Light Paintings/Univ of Nevada
-New Image Gallery/Summer Puzzles/Univ of Illinois/Chicago
1989-SRO Corridor Gallery/New Summer Images of 89/Texas Tech Univ
-Available Light Gallery/More Strobacolor/FL
-Photographic Study Center/Dallas
-Moore College of Art/Developing a Strobonic Aesthetic/Philadelphia
1988-Pittsburgh Filmmakers Gallery/Puzzle Series
-Upstairs Gallery/New Puzzle Pieces
-Workspace Gallery/Univ of Colorado
-Southern Light Gallery/Strobocolor/Puzzle Pieces/Amarillo College\
-Cameracases Gallery/Univ of Arkansas
-Monongahela Arts Center/Traveling Exhibtion
1986-Bay Vista Gallery/Florida International Univ
-Galleria Gallery/Developments in Strobocolor/Univ of California/San Francisco
-Orange Coast College Gallery/CA
1985-Colorado Photogaphic Arts Center/Colored People/Denver
-Sanford Gallery/Clarion Univ/PA
-St Louis Community College/Altered Portrait/MO
-Elgin Community College/MO
1984-Old Dominion University Gallery/VA
-Catskill Center for Photography/Levitations/NY
-Lightfantastic Gallery/Michigan State Univ
-Greyston Gallery/New Strobocolor/NYC
-Southern Light Gallery/TX
-Herman Fine Arts Gallery/OH
-New Image Gallery/James Madison Univ/VA
1983-Cameravision Gallery/LA
-Eye Gallery/San Francisco
-Allen Memorial Art Museum/Oberlin College
-Lightfantastic Gallery/MI
-Photoworks Gallery/Richmond
-Cameracases Gallery/AK
-Rutger Gallery/Utica NY
-Pittsburgh Filmmakers Gallery/Altered Portrait
-Tarrant County Community College/Dallas
-Piedmont Virginia Community College/VA
1982-Lightfantastic Gallery/Michigan State
-Photogenesis Gallery/Albuquerque
-E J Bellocq Gallery/Ruston LA
-New Image Gallery/James Madison Univ
1981-Second Street Gallery/VA
1980-Penn State Univ Gallery/Levitations
1979-Tube Gallery/Beloit College/WI
1975-West Virginia University Gallery/Recent Wrok
-Carthage Gallery of Fine Arts/WI
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