Magdalena's profile

 I am an immigrant from a typical Polish family. Hard work, sound logic and sausage. My first drawings were illustrations of the Bible, where I drew everyone with very short arms. My mom pointed out this oversight, and unwittingly started my career as a 'serious' artist.

That career has now spanned over 20 yrs and counting. My development as an artist, however, has not been a straight path. After graduating from MICA, I dove deep into the pool of the human experience, experimenting with my own life as art. This took me to the shores of India, the deserts of Arizona, the mountains of Appalachia, and the vast inner recesses of my psyche.

Today, as I continue to explore the world around and within me, I take notes on my findings in the form of paintings and sculptures. These notes are not answers to questions, nor do they explain  any truth. They are investigations or as I call them experiments.

My deep longing has been to make art that one has to see in person. I have never been able to acheive that, as paintings and even sculpture can be represented two dimemsionally, to great satisfaction. It wasnt until recently that I have created work which must be seen in person. This new technique has re-inspired me introduce my work to the art world. In short, after years of searching, it is here in Baltimore City that I have found my voice. That voice is both innovative and accesible, but above all, it must be experienced in person.

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