Kristin's profile

Born in Kansas City, Missouri in 1971, Kristin Fuller has lived most of her life in the mid-Atlantic region. She grew up with volumes of art books and family trips to D.C. museums. Music in her family home toggled between Classical and Pop/Rock and Folk and Soul. The art books and music influenced her greatly and instilled an appreciation for art in all forms. 

Kristin earned her BFA from Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA in 1996. There she studied painting, printmaking, drawing, and photography.  Kristin has been painting for over 30 years but considers herself a multidisciplinary artist, always exploring new materials and techniques. Recently, she returned to printmaking, which led to collage. Collage has become a large part of Kristin’s current practice.

In 2023, her artwork was selected for both the 34th National Drawing and Print Competitive Exhibition at the Gormley Gallery Notre Dame of Maryland University and the MSAC Arts Directory Triennial Exhibition at Maryland Art Place. Kristin’s artwork has been exhibited in galleries throughout Baltimore since 2016.

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