Kris's profile

Kris Faatz (rhymes with skates) is a writer, pianist, and teacher. Her short fiction has appeared in journals including Los Angeles Review, NELLE, and Typehouse Magazine, and has received recognition in competitions run by Tiferet Journal, Philadelphia Stories, Uncharted Magazine, Dzanc Books, and others. Most recently she received NELLE's 2022 Three Sisters Award. Her first novel, TO LOVE A STRANGER (Blue Moon Publishers, 2017) was a finalist for the Schaffner Press Music in Literature Award. Her second novel, FOURTEEN STONES, was released in 2022 by The Patchwork Raven (Wellington, NZ).

Kris teaches creative writing and music with the Community College of Baltimore County, as well as independently through her own business, and is a creative writing consultant and a performing pianist. She has been a Peter Taylor Fellow at the Kenyon Review Writers Workshops and a contributor at the Sewanee Writers Conference. She is also a regular presenter at the Eastern Shore Writers Association's Bay to Ocean Writers Conference.  When not at work, she can often be found hiking and exploring the outdoors.

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