Kevin's profile
Kevin Blackistone is a Baltimore inter-media artist exploring interactive immersive environments. Using backgrounds in video, music, animation, coding and data analysis he currently explores hierarchy, correlation, complexity and control in the context of social, scientific and political dynamics. He works as a reaction to the adversarial uses of technology on the corporate, governmental and personal levels including effects on privacy, policing and advertising; further exploring the ways it can influence and be influenced by culturally perceptions. These ideas are expanded through investigation of the ways new and emerging technical forms can help propel society towards the utopian - through research, information propogation and more engaging social critiques.
His works have shown locally as well as installations & viewings in Miami, Zürich, Daegu and Sydney. He is a 2017 fellow of the John Hopkins Saul Zaentz Innovation Fund award for his project Who’s Watching – a surveillance apparatus, a 2019 Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award recipient and Ruby arts Award grantee, a 2018 Janet and Walter Sondheim Artscape Prize semifinalist.
His works have shown locally as well as installations & viewings in Miami, Zürich, Daegu and Sydney. He is a 2017 fellow of the John Hopkins Saul Zaentz Innovation Fund award for his project Who’s Watching – a surveillance apparatus, a 2019 Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award recipient and Ruby arts Award grantee, a 2018 Janet and Walter Sondheim Artscape Prize semifinalist.
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