Judith's profile

Miniatures are experiments in attitude, color, and detail, offering the viewer an opportunity to see the world through a different lens. I have found that people either love or hate to see art in such small dimension. My paintings are no larger than 3.75 x 3.25 inches and are often smaller. I have drawn panoramas sized roughly 1 inch by 3 inches. In fact, the pictures you see on the computer screen may actually be larger than the original artwork.
I was inspired to create miniature art in 2015 after a visit to the international exhibition of miniatures at the Strathmore Museum. A self-taught artist, I experiment with oil-based inks with plastics as the surface medium. During the pandemic I discovered the versatility of alcohol inks and incorporate them into the oil-based ink drawings and paintings.
My earlier work comprised whimsy: brightly colored figures, animals, and scenes. Prior to the pandemicI focused on political vignettes, montages representing an issue or cause. Since then I have become enamored with trees, forests, and swamps.
I am an invited member of the Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers Society of Washington DC, the oldest miniature society in the US and the second oldest in the world. Despite having no formal training, I am the recipient of their Honorable Mention in Drawing Award (2017) and multi-media (2023).

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