Gabriella's profile

I am a Portuguese-American writer whose work has appeared in the Best Small Fictions 2022 anthology, North American Review, USA Today, PS (formerly Popsugar), The Rumpus, Cleaver, and Litro, among others. I have received fellowships and scholarships from Disquiet International, The Community of Writers, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and won the 2020 San Miguel Writers’ Conference Writing Contest.

I began my writing career as a journalist and won local and national awards writing for newspapers and magazines in Florida and throughout the Southeast. I came to Baltimore to become the arts editor at Baltimore magazine. I received my B.S. in journalism from the University of Kansas, where I was editor in chief of The University Daily Kansan. I received my MFA in creative writing from Antioch University Los Angeles, where I was the recipient off an Eloise Klein Healy Scholarship.

I muse on why we do the things we do – including how mental health shapes our experiences – on my Substack Bella Do and digs into women’s visibility on my podcast Chick Flicks with Gabby & Amy. When I'm not writing, I enjoy Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and improv dance. I live in Baltimore with my husband and our dog and two cats.

Gabriella's Curated Collection

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