Elliott's profile

Post-romantic composer Elliott Grabill has composed for two decades, teaching math by day at Baltimore City Public Schools by day, and writing music by night. His works embrace romanticism, emotion, maximalism, and complex harmony. His strongest inspiration is the challenges he faces in life: his tumultuous career as a teacher, and his struggle with epilepsy. His music has been described as “sumptuous and gorgeous,” “hauntingly beautiful,” and “American.” 

Mr. Grabill is a romantic to his core but forays into electronic music to expand the timbral possibilities of his language. He write the lyrics to his art songs. His current projects include a reed quintet for the Civitasolis Quintet, and religious choral music in the Pennsylvania Dutch language. He has also written for Pique Collective, the Washington Men's Camerata, and Dark in the Song. 

He has previously taught math to college students, prison inmates, and middle school children.  He taught and developed a course on the History of Jazz for at Bard High School Early College, has lectured on ethnomathematics and the relationship between music and math.

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