Elijah's profile

lijah Trice is a contemporary artist and architectural designer, born and raised in Baltimore, MD. Trice was born into a family of skillful artists, photographers, and musicians. At a young age, he developed figurative and technical drawing skills and started to experiment with graphite and charcoal. He went on to receive his Bachelor of Sciences in Architecture at Morgan State University. After a year of working in an architecture firm, he decided to continue his studies at Rhode Island School of Design. During his second year of graduate school, he decided to pursue oil painting full-time, creating a bridge between his architectural and art education background. 

 Inspired mostly by everyday conversations with friends, family, even strangers, he captures personalities and expressions that tell stories about his subjects, allowing subjects to control and tell their own narrative in an authentic manner. Trice's work celebrates the cultural impact of blackness in America while critiquing sociopolitical narratives geared toward people of color.

Trice graduated in 2023 with a Master of Architecture degree from Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, RI. He has exhibited work in Baltimore, MD and Providence, RI.

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