Andrew's profile

I immigrated to the United States from Taichung, Taiwan following my parents at the age of 13. Plano, Texas was not the America I had imagined. The USA I had imagined was a combination of Disney and the friendly caucasian missionary who came to my village to preach the bible and unconditional love from Jesus to mankind. Turns out Disneyland and Disney World were thousands of miles away from Plano, and I was not welcomed by the people who lived in Jesus-land. I tried to adapt quickly to the culture of Plano, while holding onto the memory of Taichung. As my family struggled to survive, I turned to art making for comfort and therapy.  I moved to Baltimore to pursue my undergraduate degree when I was 18. Since then I have developed a deeper understanding of the society I now live in, and this understanding sparked reactions, interactions, and led to emotional attachment. The USA gradually overshadows Taiwan in my dual reality state. During the day I speak English, drink coffee and eat burgers. In my sleep I dream in Taiwanese, drink tea and eat beef stew noodle soup. My work serves as commentary on everything around me. They are reactions, imaginary scenarios, and experiments triggered by media consumption, culture comparison, identity disentanglement, and humorous conversations. This commentary can take the form of drawings, paintings, photographs, sculptures, or a combination. The images are symbols deliberately composed in an attempt to convey meaning, and assimilate narrative. They are often painted in a graphic nature, flat, with bright colors. This is intended to attract attention and have a lasting impression to generate a continual response to the work.

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