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Thank you to the over 600 artists who created a Baker Portist Portfolio in advance of the 2023 deadline.

What next?

  • Portfolios as they stood at 5pm on January 17, 2023 have been duplicated for adjudication.  Wherever portfolios stood at the deadline date and time will be reviewed. 
  • The Baker Team is currently going through an internal review of portfolios to confirm eligibility, completeness, and adherence to guidelines. 
  • Following the internal review, the jury will begin their process of reviewing all eligibile portfolios.
  • Finalists will be notified after the first round of Adjudication in early mid-May 2023.
  • Awardees will be notified after the second round of Adjudication in early  June 2023. 
  • Artists can update their public facing portfolio at any time. Any changes made after 5:00pm on January 17 will be seen by the public, but not the jurors. 

Stay tuned for more information, or please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any questions.