Work samples

  • Daughter
    This is a piece from a triptych of a Mother, Grandmother, and this, being the daughter. 16x16in wood/acrylic paint/polyurethane
  • Eternal
    A digital piece of loved one who recently passed away in the beginning of 2018.
  • Family Twisters
    Family Twisters
    8.5 x 11in Pigma marker
  • Bandits
    Original characters from a personal current comic book project of family, fantasy, and purpose.

About Juliannah

Baltimore City

Juliannah Francina Harrison is an illustrator, a teacher, and an adventurer. Family, with the history and lessons it brings and her dreams are a huge inspiration in her work. Juliannah’s art consists of concept art, comic books, and children illustration. Just like the many facets of her work, the medium of choice is always changing from digital platforms to more traditional tools. In the end, Juliannah is constantly striving to opening new creative doors and showing those of all ages how to… more

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Too Safe

Too safe follows the paths of multiple characters in the pursuit of family, purpose, and the power of one's inner thoughts. The reader is taken in a realm of giants, bandits, forest dwellers, and unseen forces.  There's a hope that each character's positive traits will draw  you closer and their faults will possibly lead you to loving them.
  • Mentha Character Turn Around
    "Mentha" Character Turn Around
    A full view of the character "Mentha". He comes from a Nomadic people of herbalists from the prairie region (according to the "Too Safe" universe).
  • Too Safe. Ch 1 The Helper
    Too Safe. Ch 1 "The Helper"
    Mentha finds himself deep in his thoughts.
  • Scorch Character Turn Around
    "Scorch" Character Turn Around
    "Scorch" the older sister. A name says a lot about a person.
  • Too Safe page detail 1
    Too Safe page detail 1
    A detail of the sisters, Scorch and Mellow, at work.

Good Hair

Hair is a big thing in my family. My mother had all of her children, including me, in braids. She loved to make our hair healthy and our hair grow.  Mane and Tail conditioner , coconut oil, avocado, home egg hair concoctions, barrettes and more. A lot of my self-esteem and emotions relied, were dependent on my mother doing my hair. Feeling pretty, feeling restricted, and feeling cared for, there was something deeper about hair, in my childhood. Now it plays a major role in conveying many messages in my work.
  • Hair 1: Twisters
    Hair 1: Twisters
    Pigma Marker/8.5x11in Twisters were a big thing my mother used.
  • Hair 2: Out
    Hair 2: Out
    Pigma Marker/ 8.5x11in Hair out.
  • Hair 3: Braids
    Hair 3: Braids
    Pigma Marker/ 8.5x11in This is my interpretation of my mother's stitches when she had her first brain surgery. For me, it was like another braid. I believe I kept that observation to myself.