Funny. Theses are so long ago, some of them. And still, they don't just feel like who I was, they fell like who I will always be. And it's comforting. You know?
  • 3 poems from Loving Instruments.pdf
    All written as I shifted between teaching and touring, as I flitted between goofy and pensive, as I found things worth pursuing and, unfortunately, worth avoiding. But not forever.
  • Loving Instruments
    Sargent Press, 2013 cover art by Melissa Newman Evans (here is me trying my hardest to alchemize ANYTHING into Love. bless my heart.)
  • Chris August (Etats-Unis), "Infixing"
    Here is me performing a vulgarity-heavy poem steeped in American vernacular. In France. In a competition. In which at least one judge is roughly as old as The Louvre. 'Cause I lurvs me an easy sell. For real though, I love you all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.