About Gwyneth

Baltimore City - Station North A&E District
Gwyneth Anderson is an animator and sculptor exploring invisibility, perception, and the phenomena of movement.


Kodak Ektagraphic AudioViewer Projector, P300 Pico Projector, electronics, hand drawn animation, identification guidebook

Aeriameter is an instrument specially designed for examining the visual and aural composition of airborne phenomena. Visitors can press the forward button, adjust tone and volume, and identify each slide in the accompanying guide.

Aeriameter was created during a residency at the Experimental Sound Studio (Chicago), with invaluable help from Alex Inglizian. It was also partially supported by a Community Arts Assistance Program grant from the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.

  • Aeriameter
    "Aeriameter" is an instrument specially designed for examining the visual and aural composition of airborne phenomena. Visitors can press the forward button, adjust tone and volume, and identify each slide in the accompanying guide.
  • Aeriameter