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Bustling Side Street at Rope Gallery

Bustling Side Street at Rope Gallery
with Stephen Booth

508 W. Franklin Street, Baltimore MD, 21201

September 30-October 14, 2016

Navigating the streets of a city divided requires the skills of a Street Fighter™.

Emotions of years are accumulated and pressed into the walls and onto the subsequent canvas. Hiding in corners are victims and perpetrators.

A show of paintings, both on canvas and wall, that relate to characters reacting on a screen. Expressions and splatters of paint each both arrange themselves on the canvas as dancers would in a ballet. A Street Fighter kicks the air, unleashing her power and leveling up.

  • Red Blob, Bubbles at Rope Gallery
    Red Blob, Bubbles at Rope Gallery
    Red Blob, Bubbles 2016 24”x36” Oil and grout mix on canvas Installation shot from Bustling Side Street at Rope Gallery
  • Collapsed Lips at Rope Gallery
    Collapsed Lips at Rope Gallery
    Collapsed Lips 2016 24”x30” Spray paint and oil on wood panel Installed in Bustling Side Street at Rope Gallery
  • Collapsed Lips at Rope Gallery
    Collapsed Lips at Rope Gallery
    Collapsed Lips 2016 24”x30” Spray paint and oil on wood panel Installed at Rope Gallery
  • Clock Wall at Rope Gallery
    Clock Wall at Rope Gallery
    Clock Wall 2016 4’x6’ Oil, grout mix, joint compound, and sand on canvas Installed at Rope Gallery
  • Clock Wall at Rope Gallery
    Clock Wall at Rope Gallery
    Clock Wall 2016 4’x6’ Oil, grout mix, joint compound, and sand on canvas Installed at Rope Gallery
  • Red Blob, Bubbles at Rope Gallery
    Red Blob, Bubbles at Rope Gallery
    Red Blob, Bubbles 2016 24”x36” Oil and grout mix on canvas Installed at Rope Gallery
  • Staged Expressions at Rope Gallery
    Staged Expressions at Rope Gallery
    Staged Expressions 2016 48”x50” Oil on canvas Installed at Rope Gallery
  • Staged Expressions at Rope Gallery
    Staged Expressions at Rope Gallery
    Staged Expressions 2016 48”x50” Oil on canvas

2016 Paintings

This group of paintings was done in tandem with the work that was ultimately installed in Bustling Side Street at Rope Gallery. These paintings are stages, each mark and character is a player in the production. The shapes that frame or cuts the action in some of the works, ( Broken Piece, Lips Bubbles, Bug, and Palette ) is based on the shapes that are sometimes fancied by framers for complex compositions. A grouping of family photos, an assortment of travel tokens, a graduation cap next to a degree can all be found organized into overburdened bubbles of space. Working as a framer for a year, I fit many such mementos into these puzzles, and found them to be humorously ironic. As if a gold leaf or hand stained wood frame was not sufficient, an extra mat board or three is meticulously sliced for the re-framing of the chosen objects. I wanted to work with this idea in paintings, and emphasize the flatness of the canvas by centering the image and reestablishing the boundaries in which the image is concocted.  The imagery chosen to play with in these paintings all relate to emotional expressions: whimsical eyes, stylized lips, and carefree bubbles all float about the plane. The only work in this group with no posing expression is the "broken" one.  The bubbles were chosen because they, through disobeying the holes "cut" into the shape of the plane for them to fit into by floating past them, they affirm the absurdity of the awkward mat in the first place. Like all of my work, these pieces exist in the heady history of painting through their medium, but are concerned with the aesthetic principles and tactics of "low-art" forms, such as scrapbook style framing in this case, as well as decor from chain home stores, murals found in schools and churches, and brand and logo knock offs.

Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus at Tiger Strikes Asteroid

 Brass In Pocket, Third Chorus
December 1-6, 2015 Rm. 109, 7410 Ocean Terrace, Miami Beach, FL
in satellite fair operated by Tiger Strikes Asteroid

I see in your eyes
Where tomorrow is hiding in my heart
There's a bell ringing loud At the touch of your lips
Down the rainbow I'm sliding
Little arrows keep falling
As thick as a cloud
-Godiego, "Cherries Were Made For Eating,” Theme from Hausu (1977) 
  • Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus
    Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus
    Installation view of Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus.
  • Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus
    Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus
    Installation Shot
  • Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus
    Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus
    Installation Shot of Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus
  • Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus
    Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus
    Mat board and glass (behind shower curtain), 18"x24" This mat board, hidden behind the shower curtain, plays tricks with shadows. It seems extra circles float next to the ones that belong to the mat board itself. These circles are created by a pieces of glass that is attached to the board. The glass is sprayed with "fog" that creates the illusion of floating bubbles in the shower.
  • Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus
    Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus
    Mat board and glass, 18"x24" The piece that is closest to the entrance of the room, this is not the negative of the mat board, but the "practice cut." It is cut on the cnc machine at the frame shop to make sure all shapes and sizes of the mat board being made are perfect before the more expensive paper is put through the machine for the final piece. Inside of the "bubbles" are collages made of broken glass. The broken glass is too a byproduct of framing that is thrown away. These collages are reminiscent of stained glass windows in subject and material. The "bubbles" mimic the windows found in a church. The old material waste, like a faithful in a church, can reclaim their purity and purpose.
  • Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus
    Brass in Pocket, Third Chorus
    Acrylic paint on mat board, acrylic paint and glass on mat board, 11"x14" approx. each These two pieces made from the negative space created when an intricate mat board is cut out on a cnc machine. Such a mat would be cut to frame a family photo or grouping of keepsakes. I felt this was an appropriate choice of shape to hang in this empty hotel room, a space that is semi domestic, now made public. It, like the negative shapes of the mat frames, is something close to domesticity, but not quite.

Something Crossed My Mind

This collection of collection is a response to the apocalypse fanaticism highly present in contemporary media, but also a celebration of the personal style that is born from necessity. The clothes appear to be whipped up, fashioned on the fly, yet utilitarian. 
  • McKinley
    McKinley in white denim button up, Mandarin collared shirt and cargo shorts. The line of buttons on the shirt is elegantly disguised with a sliver of fur. His shirt is protected from his watch by a fur cuff, and a key chain dangles from his shorts. His sneakers are also protected from the dirty floor with a pair of socks.
  • Andy
    Andy opens the show with a classic white t-shirt with a slight alteration: extra pieces the same size as his sleeves are connected to the center of the t-shirt which has been sliced open. A pin holds one flap in place, the other hangs to reveal his belly button. His pants, off the body, are 6 feet tall, so in order to walk in them he must rock a very baggy ankle. His flip flop thong is made from string. He accessorizes with a shopping bag.
  • Jordan
    Jordan stays comfortable in cotton, but his layering is all an illusion. While it appears he has three shirts on, a white long sleeve, cream mid length, and navy blouse on top, the open center reveals his bare chest and is criss crossed with white shoelace. The same can be said for his shorts, which have clothes that reveal but another layer of navy, not white, shorts underneath. His flip flops are also being held on with shoe lace strings tied around his ankles.
  • Alexander
    Alexander is ready for the resort in his terry cloth outfit. His shirt is but a towel, elegantly held over the shoulders with a criss cross tie. His back is bare so that he does not overheat. His comfortable pants are adjustable width at multiple levels of his leg. Being in such close proximity to beachwear outlet stores, Alexander's flip flops are new and in perfect condition.
  • Sanskruta
    Sanskruta is in a casual unisex look. She wear cargo shorts with brand emblems strewn about the side leg pocket, and carries a styrofoam cup that has one sip left. Her button up shirt is white denim, and has open sides that can be laced up should she want to cover some skin. Her sneakers are protected from the dirt floor with socks. Her red cap is soft red felt.
  • Maya
    Maya could not find the right size pencil skirt. She has attached belt loops to her middle thigh and used a red shoelace to hold up her garment. Her top is a ring of fabric, grommeted, and tied up with red shoelaces. She wears socks with her flip flops, so a little slit is cut at her toe so that she might better hold onto her shoes with her feet.
  • Sarah
    Sarah turns heads when she slides off her kimono sleeves to real her tiny top. If she catches a chill, she can always slide the sleeves back onto her shoulders and completely cover her chest. Her pants are adjustable, she can tighten them or open the laces on the sides to show her lovely legs. She wears plain red flip flops and balances her walk with two very full grocery bags.
  • Kat
    Kat ends the show with the most complex look. Her tube top, layered in many slats like a window shade, is held together with black shoelaces. Her pencil skirt lifts up if she tightens the web of black lace woven through the belt loops that cover her bottom half. She wear sleeves on her forearms that blow behind her as she carries her bags, the color of which compliment her outfit perfectly, down the street. Her socks have slits cut at the toes so that she may better keep hold of her flip flops.
  • Jordan and Alexander
    Jordan and Alexander
    Jordan and Alexander on the runway
  • Sarah and Kat
    Sarah and Kat
    Sarah and Kat on the runway