Qué's profile

Qué Pequeño is a multimedia artist, producer, DJ, and events organizer based in the Station North arts district. Born Nkemakolam Nwaigwe, Qué was born and raised in Baltimore, graduating from Towson University with a degree in Electronic Media and Film. Since 2014, Qué has been involved in the performance arts, starting with assistance with Kahlon before becoming a member of now-defunct Llamadon, a collective of black and brown Baltimore based artists. In 2015, with Llamadon and Jose Rosero, Qué took part in Light City Neighborhood Lights presented "Open Beats," a performance-based music event in the Greater Mondawmin area, made available to the public . From September to December, Qué has independently organized and took part in events in Bell Foundry (a.k.a You Know T.F. Where), a venue for black and brown artists in Station North, until its condemnation on the 5th of December. Qué still continues to organize events and DJ in and out of the Station North area.

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