About Yuqi

Baltimore City

Yuqi Wang is an artist working in Baltimore, MD. Rooted in observation of daily life under modern society, Yuqi uses video, photography, performance, costume, and installation forms to explore the perception and behavior of human beings and its relations with modern life, with particular interest in the cultural identity, migration, urban construction, modern technologies, common sense, limit and potential of human body, and subdued… more

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Big Game

BIG GAME  Is the world we exist in a game? If so, who creates the game and manipulates us, such that we are willing to obey the rules? In a computer game we accomplish missions which are different from real life by manipulating the virtual figure - the virtual figure being a projection of ourselves. Human beings do similar daily routines generation after generation. This immortal procession is as epic as it is great; full of hope and desperation. I am led to wonder, in real life then, are we being projected? Who is manipulating us and getting the satisfaction? 
  • Big Game(2017)
    In this piece.I placed models and costumes into the virtual simulation I created through software. By designing the interactions of models, costumes and virtual space. I explore how do the invisible rules and common sense in modern society shape and influence people's perception and behavior. Why is it called Big Game? It doesn’t mean that people really play a game( but who knows if the world we exist in is a game or not?). This project uses the concept of game, that is, people need to follow the rules to enter the next level and keep the game running . Whether it is virtual computer games or actual games played in the real world, people need to obey rules, and these rules direct their behaviors and reactions. If someone breaks the rules, the game will be over. Games fulfill the wishes of players that they cannot achieve in daily life.
  • Details of Body Paint
    Details of Body Paint
  • Detail of costume#1.gif
    Detail of costume#1.gif
  • Detail of Costume#2.gif
    Detail of Costume#2.gif
  • Detail of costume#3.gif
    Detail of costume#3.gif
  • Detail of costume#4.gif
    Detail of costume#4.gif