About Amber Eve

Baltimore City, Baltimore City Station North AE District

Amber Eve Anderson is a conceptual artist whose work considers the ways identity and behavior are informed by one's surroundings, both physical and virtual. Oftentimes, this begins in the context of the home and extends from the objects and ideas therein to the cities and landscapes beyond. She combines everyday objects with text and digital ephemera, such as screenshots from her smartphone, in playful and poetic ways that reflect her personal experience. The work calls attention… more

Apartment 404 Not Found

For Apartment 404 Not Found I moved my home into the gallery. I then documented the installation as a 360-degree virtual reality (VR) image before removing all of the furniture. A half-circle "orientation table" similar to what you might find at a hilltop vista, sits in the center of the space, the absent objects depicted on its surface. The dislocation of relocation is exemplified by the juxtaposition of physically standing in a vacant space while viewing that same space in virtual reality filled with the belongings of home. The furniture from the installation—packed atop a moving pallet, wrapped in plastic—became a sculptural object alongside the VR installation. My home remained empty for the duration of the exhibition.

  • Virtual Reality installation
    Virtual Reality installation

    Viewer using virtual reality headset in the gallery space to view the installation of my home in the same gallery space.

  • Gallery installation
    Gallery installation

    The table in the center with the virtual reality headset, the two white blinds hanging from the ceiling, and the door frame to the right are all part of the installation. The blinds and the doorframe are also in the virtual reality installation.

  • View of Virtual Reality Installation
    View of Virtual Reality Installation

    Snapshot of what the viewer would see in the VR headset, which was my living room installed in the same gallery space. See full 360-degree image here: https://goo.gl/maps/Dq7a3Rz6vpr

  • Orientation Table
    Orientation Table

    At the center of the room, the orientation table depicted drawn items from the virtual reality installation along with descriptions of the objects.

  • Apartment 404 Not Found

    Video documentation of Apartment 404 Not Found showing a side-by-side comparison of the gallery space and the virtual reality image.

  • Apartment 404 Not Found
    Apartment 404 Not Found

    Outside of the gallery, all of the furniture from the virtual reality installation in the gallery was packed on top of a moving pallet and wrapped in plastic.

  • Doorway to Apartment 404
    Doorway to Apartment 404

    Image of my front door with a gallery label beside the number 404.

  • Empty Apartment 404
    Empty Apartment 404

    An image of my apartment, emptied of all its furniture, for the duration of the exhibition.

Free to a Good Home

Free to a Good Home is an attempt to understand the meaning of home based on the things within it. Each page documents an object advertised for ‘free to a good home’ on Craigslist and the subsequent email exchanges with anonymous users. At times poetic, at times mundane, everyday objects gain importance through personal histories and associations. The online performance, enacted in real life, offers a glimpse into the potential of online interactions. From a classic 1940s sofa to an underwater camera case, the ephemera of one home assumes life in another, each object threading together every home. Free to a Good Home was purchased by the New York Public Library and is sold at Printed Matter, the world's leading non-profit for artist books.

  • Cover

    11 x 8.5", Perfect-bound, 141 pages

    Available for Purchase
  • classic 1940s sofa
    classic 1940s sofa

    Two-page spread from Free to a Good Home showing a screenshot from Craigslist for a red 1940s sofa and the resulting email exchange.

  • 7 Braid of Bison Grass
    7" Braid of Bison Grass

    Screenshot of bison grass ad that I posted to Craigslist.

  • Two-page Spread
    Two-page Spread

    Screenshot of Bison Grass ad (from previous image) along with resulting email exchanges.

  • Tune of a Dove According to a Wind Chime
    Tune of a Dove According to a Wind Chime

    Two-page spread showing screenshot of Craigslist ad for a CD recording of a wind chime along with resulting email exchanges.

  • Free to a Good Home excerpt

    PDF download