Khristian's profile

Khristian Weeks is alive and has been living for well over 55 years. He is often feeling.  "I can feel the day away", says he. And, he is an educator/caregiver of young people. Meanwhile, he has been doing and making things for most of his own life.

Khristian Weeks as an artist is working primarily with phenomena - sonic, visual, kinetic, and situational - as distinct from the making of objects. His background is in music - an instrumentalist and improvisor eventually exploring composition and sound installation. Weeks earned a Bachelor's degree from The New England Conservatory of Music in 1995 (and he has a BM to prove it), but not before taking a few years off of this schooling to reexamine his live a little. In  1990 he found a job in early education, working with infants. Almost immediately he learned that a best practice for tending to a group of very young children is to provide them with a sensory-rich environment. Gradually he's realized that this is what he is doing with his creative work.

All the while Weeks is living his life - working a job, sinking into a relationship, raising a child, wondering how (and why?) to proceed with it all. Fast forward to now and Weeks is still pondering these same things, though some clarity has come in the awareness that he had been living all of these things as though they were separate: day job, relationship, child raising, creative practice. "Now I see that I am living one whole life and my creative practice can (and is to) include allofthethings involved in this "living"." All of this means that these make up a 'who he is' of his being as he's been living, thus far.
He, Khristian Weeks, has been fortunate to've made connections - finding his way, with much generosity from those already being there, into the creative, usually "experimental" musicart communities in the eastcoast cities where he's lived over the years. These being Boston, Orlando, New York, Durham/Chapel Hill, and Baltimore/DC. And while living himself in these cities Weeks performed and presented,  and is still performing and presenting, his work - in solo and collaborative capacities - along with teaching, parenting, partnering, "There are many things", he will say. 


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